Certain American cities are said
To be on the rise
While others at the same time
Decay into their own demise
Those that prosper are being told
You must grow!
You must accommodate the influx of capital
Even if some must go
To those who are priced out
Evicted or displaced
The powers that be simply could not care
That you miss your grandma's face
The solution they say
Is to build to meet demand
No matter that this fills the pockets
Of those who rigged the scam
If supply is the problem
That is not meeting demand
Then why are the two densest cities in the States
The most expensive to live in
San Francisco is undergoing a second technology boom causing a massive spike in the amounts of money and people flooding into the city. This is directly causing displacement of the working class and people of color. Challenging top-down development in an attempt to retain community control of neighborhoods is the only way to resist.