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The Jolteon May 2018
Who wants to take a chance
We left it all behind us
No room for soft advances
Let's go dancing
Let's go forget everything
If you promise to really let go
Let's take a chance
Don't blink or you might cry
Time is way past our time
Now we're left angry and upset
That's why I want to forget
The Jolteon May 2018
The things that we do
For ten seconds of bliss
Search for it in beauty
Not empty bottles of ****
There are positive ways to seek bliss and happiness, and there are negative ways that damage our mind, body, and soul
The Jolteon May 2018
You wouldn't believe how good you are at
Being yourself
Being exactly who you need to be
Without any doubt
Knowing what's wrong
And what's right
Knowing that deep in your heart
A fire burns
Against injustice and oppression
Let your desire to fight
Guide you
You've never sought blood
Or war
In the end it's love that gives you the light
Don't forget
The Jolteon May 2018
I've been so selfish for the last year
Pulling out my hair just thinking of you
Happier lost in bliss than parked on your lips
The time has come for us to move on
The Jolteon Apr 2018
Feeling full of life
Until I trip on your wire
Set in the underground subway
My third eye goes blind
The sight of your gaze
Leaves me quesy for days
I came down here alive
But leave hollowed out
When u see ur x at the subway station
The Jolteon Apr 2018
What does it really mean to lose the one you love?
It means being ripped away from someone you love
Worse, it means that someone hurt someone else
Pain is part of life, yes
But the circumstances that led to this was a different kind of pain
It was as much emotional pain as it was physical
The shock that someone who says they love you
Would physically hurt you is one of the most painful betrayals
That a person can ever feel
It is unexpected, it is shameful, it is heart breaking
But life starts anew
The pain of facing hatred in the eyes of the one you love, fades
In the haze of drunken *** with random strangers can come a friend
Someone who can remind you of what it means to be happy
To be treated with love, even when they are gone
Someone to show you that life still exists
That you are not alone
That there are friends that only want to love you
And for you to be loved
These are the words of pain that are healed through love
When you put down the bottle
Stop searching for comfort in temporary bliss
Start looking for long term solutions
In a place where love is given, received, and returned
The Jolteon Apr 2018
Paint light around my eyes
Two rings of life
Shine brighter when it's half full
Lighten panic that keeps my chest tight
Exaggerated feelings
As the rocks melt
Your heart does too
Until the potion dries up

I pour, sit, and sip my cup
Wondering how I got taken
So far away from myself

The words don't flow as freely
The liquids are trapped in the bottle
Living life with less feeling

The paint thinner
Was self destructive
Blow up your liver
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