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  Dec 2014 the helper
lotus lord
You brake my heart once same on you
You lost a worderful girl

You brake my heart twice same on me
I thought I could trust you again but it turns out I can't

If it was meant to be then they'll come back but don't force it
  Dec 2014 the helper
Crushing Love
I want to tie her down and slit her throat,
Then when I do it watch her scream and cry for help
all while trying to stop the blood.

"Your not gonna make it. So you might as well take what came."
She looks t me and shoots me the bird she has managed to keep a towel around the cut applying pressure.
"Sorry, you may be my step-mom but that can still be considered ******."
I have the look of destruction, tasting and smelling blood, then my Vision goes red and I'm gone.

I walk up to her slowly and with a psychotic grin.
I lean down close and whisper in her hear,
"Is ****** an option?" then cut the towel and slice her throat once more, this time cutting the artery hard and deep.

I guess ****** was an option.
  Dec 2014 the helper
lotus lord
You may say you are worth crying over
But truth be told you are worth it

You are someone I hold close to my heart
You are my best friend really I'm sister

If anything were to happen to you it would **** me for you mean so much to me

I would do anything make sure your safe and where no one can hurt you

Let you be able to be happy
Not just put on a fake smile but I real one
This is to my best friend,  I may have only known her a few month she can never be replaced she is the one person who gets me the most someone I would die for and never have to think twice for anything I have done for her

— The End —