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Jul 2014 · 275
In My Hands
Ensign Seer Jul 2014
I live the life that's in my hands,
And inhale as my world expands.
With every count of passing breath,
My life remains, awaiting death.
To use the time, I spy and seek,
Adventures of sublime unique.
I wait and listen, both to hear
The inner voice, with which I steer.
I follow blindly its advice,
Regardless of the prize or price.
I trust completely where I go,
In me I trust, in trust I flow.
My path so far was never wrong,
It knew the turns and tricks along.
Sometimes it seemed about to fail,
And more than once I chose to bail.
Much pain ensued, as it would be;
I fought the stream that harbored me.
But once I learned that fact once more,
I gave up struggles for the shore.
I turned my mind and fears inside,
Relaxed as I enjoyed the ride.
I knew, somewhere, that this was true,
And smiling saw the daylight through.
I do not argue, will not settle,
For less than joy or finest fettle.
A top-notch life is meant to be,
For open eyes that truly see.
What I can see and start to learn,
Alights my passion's brightest burn.
And where to go is never shown,
I've made a friend out of Unknown.
I live the life that's in my hands,
And lead it with my own demands.
For joy is never out of reach,
To those who can forget the beach.
Jun 2014 · 322
Ensign Seer Jun 2014
Fingers crossed,
We stand at the edge
Of existence.
Poised to leap,
We lean to peer,
As if two inches
Would reveal our destiny.
Fate is blind,
So we hold together
What might be our last.
My heart forgets rhythm,
My feet feign friction,
And my mind vacates,
The beautiful absence
of meaning before time.
Air intrudes my lungs,
And halts.
A gradual tilt lowers us
to the end's beginning.
Our descent has begun.
I lose sense of motion;
Sensations blend.
A myriad of mobility,
Summarized into
such simple sounds:
We fall.
Directionless, muddled,
Stymied attempts to retreat,
To take back,
To return things
to the way they were.
I recognize the fear,
And I smile.
This is what we wanted.
This is what was
meant to be.
Knowing not the destination,
Knowing not the journey,
Knowing not the motivation,
We travel onward.
We do not look back,
Because there's no such thing.
We are forging a path
as we go.
Pioneers, in territory
we create.
Unrivaled excitement encircles me.
This is my set.
I know my lines.
The cast contains
familiar friends.
The time is now.
We are here,
to start the show.
And I am born again.
Jun 2014 · 1.6k
A Thousand Years
Ensign Seer Jun 2014
A match was made in heaven
And in heaven lit a flame:
A love between two partners
Who you'd swear were both the same.
The love was so iconic,
Recognizable on sight,
Embraces shared between their eyes,
As hearts had taken flight.
The story took a sudden twist,
When lips of theirs did meet,
Time began to twitch around,
Jealous of romantic feat.
A thousand years then passed them by,
Without concern of wait.
The world had changed entirely,
Their lives of past now late.
No older were their bodies,
But all they knew was gone.
They found themselves together,
But a brand new world was drawn.
Without a soul to greet them and
Unsure of what to do,
A tender kiss was shared once more,
To see if it was true.
Another thousand years flew by,
Concerning both the two,
Whatever should they do from here,
When time was all they knew?
The man surveyed their setting,
Studied close what was around.
Then turning in, discovered
No solution to be found.
He took his partner by the hand,
Concern detailed her face.
Smiling, he sealed their fate,
Removed concern with grace.
Their embrace was eternal,
Their passion's timeless flame:
Two lovers caught in love-lock,
Seeking out the final frame.
Introducing myself with a love poem; how cliché!

— The End —