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 Sep 2017 Book Thief
with a line parted roads
with a horizon line
a line  was drawn correctly
with a line crossed
the borders were determined with a line

a line shouldn't be
determines everything

word was in need of line
 Sep 2017 Book Thief
 Sep 2017 Book Thief
a wavy sea is my heart now
when you are in my shore

love is a tide

I am drawn to the strenght of your shots
either come to me or go
I like being liked.
We do.
It matters who likes us too.
Do your parents like you?
They have that option,
It's obvious in adoption.

My friends like and are liked by me,
Or they aren't friends.

Teachers liked me.
Some students are hard to like,
But succeed.

Co-workers liked me.
Had their ups and downs with me.
Some didn't like me, but once did.
My status changed. Their's didn't.
I moved from their likeness image
When the bosses liked me so much,
They made me one.
Bosses have fun, but with more cash,
And less time to enjoy it.
But when the time arrived,
I liked the bosses too.

My spouse liked me.
Denise likes me.

Most importantly, my kids.
They like me,
So much so,
They gave me a sign:

          If Dad Can't Fix It,
          We're all *******.

Do I want to be liked?
Don't you?

Like I said,
I like being liked.
Like it or not.
 Sep 2017 Book Thief
Mike Hauser
Any good judge and jury would convict me
Slam the door shut, toss out the key
High crimes and misdemeanors in the first degree
Caught in cahoots with poetry

Armed with pen and paper in hand
Stealing from me all that I have
Until my muse says there's nothing left
Empty's the till inside my pounding head

I'll sing like a stool pigeon in the hot seat
In a police line up I'll point out the poetry
Say that's the one that did this to me
The one with the sly smile and rhyme in his teeth

I'll throw myself on the mercy of the court
Plead insanity as I cackle and cough
To tell the truth if you only knew
That last statement is not too far off
 Sep 2017 Book Thief
Autumn Rose
That night in the green velvet park,
we breathed sweet summer breeze
and shared kisses in the dark
while we heard the music in the trees.
Alas the romantic hour was a little too late
and your blue eyes were about to close
and give an end to our date
As I felt how the wind blows,
I thought of your dearest dreams
in the spring,
so I lingered on and began to sing :*

,, Let me sing you a lullaby
and take you to the stars at night
where you can kiss the moon
and make your lips silvery bright ,,

Obsessed with your skepticism
obsessed with your lineage
obsessed with your bitterness.
Why limit your capabilities and
fear what you do not understand?
Always trying to maintain appearance
in public so afraid what would others
think of you.
Returning back to this abandoned place
felt like resting.
Tranquil wind could be heard like a silent
mourn to an abandoned castle.
Trees, roots and soil cover what was great
once before.
I pray for you, i hope for the change in your heart.
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