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Gyuwon Oct 2017
Whenever you are down,
Just remember-

If you are trying your hardest to comfort yourself,
The person you are leaning onto is trying twice as hard to make you you again.
Gyuwon Mar 2018
The light drains from people's faces,
Like the emptying bottles of alcohol.
They've flushed their dreams down the toilet,
And chose to face reality.
Feel their fear in every breath they take,
See their hands shake in the cold.
Imagine the pressure on their shoulders
Pushing on with their lives,
Fighting through every day.
Gyuwon Feb 2020
While everyone looks up at the stars
I look down and see the ground and my feet
They’re what I stand on, after all
The very foundation of me as a structure
Gyuwon Jan 2020
Bumps smooth out with time
And cracks, well, leaves room for breathing
Maybe you don’t fit flush
But does that mean that you’re in the wrong place?
Gyuwon Nov 2017
My heart hesitates to beat
As the blood drains from my lifeless body.
The little bit of soul that was left
Is now gone;
And my flesh will sit here and rot
Until its washed its sins.
And the lively person that I was
Is no more-
The world darkens,
And my eyelids Close
The sun will rise-  eventually,
But I won’t be here to see tomorrow
Gyuwon Jan 2019
My confidence rolls off my cheek
One drop at a time
Into my nightly coffee
Bitter taste of defeat

Fear overwhelming my sorrows
My only will is keeping alive

Cut me up into little pieces

Shallow cuts
Deep cuts
They all hurt the same

But I dont hurt myself
So what else could be

My confidence rolls down my cheek
Made a stream along my neck
Itll grow into a river
And wash my fears away
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Let me run around my mind
Cut me up a peice of peace
Countless hours spent doing pointless things
Perhaps Im bound to wasting time

If I could turn back time
Id find my *** a dream and start again

Poetry echos my sadness
Inside my empty cell of ribs
Spare me a second to breathe
My blood is barely flowing

Pull my skin off the bones
And youll find that it was just a cover
Im actually hollow inside

No wonder sadness echos inside me
Gyuwon Oct 2017
Like an engine, driving the shafts in an armoured car,
There are little hearts, powering the soldiers at war.
Listen to the bullets fly above your head,
As the civilians mourn the dead.

Duck down in your trenches for you might get shot,
As you watch the piles of lifeless bodies rot.
When you see a dense cloud of smoke coming,
Pull out your mask quickly, or you’d already be suffocating.

Have your weapon always ready,
And as you aim, keep your hands steady.
You want to make sure every shot counts,
and As minutes pass, the tension mounts.

On the whistle, run out of your tunnel,
And make a run for it, pointing the barrel-
Towards the enemy, or the young men with little hearts,
Too fragile to handle the terror of fire any war starts.
Just in case you don't know, this poem is about WW1 and trench warfare.
Gyuwon Mar 2019
Celebrate the dying of my feelings
Pay respect to my shell

Joy got diagnosed with depression
Sadness went to commit suicide
Anger is in a mental asylum
Disgust felt disgusted
Fear got scared of me


I feel nothing
Nothing is what i feel

When you hurt me
I feel nothing
Nothing is what i feel

Stab me, Slash me, Chain me and Torture me
I feel nothing
Nothing is what i feel

Dismiss me, Devalue me, Discard me
I feel nothing
Nothing is what I feel
Gyuwon Jun 2019
the sun dims its lights, darkness settles;
the new blackened reality greets her visitors
everyone sheds their covers
their last grip on individuality

we are all the same inside
with a heart that beats like a metronome
tick tock, tick tock
every beat the same
echoing inside our hollow shell

**** it up and push it down
but why do we make a compromise
every scar has its meaning
but why do we continue a scarred life

cry, but never shed a single tear
scream, but never make a sound
just leave, dont return

why do we even try?
Gyuwon Jan 2020
Should I ever wonder off on my own
Ill always remember the road we used to roam
And think of you with every step that I take
Dreaming of all the memories that we used to make

All the stars in the sky will guide me
To all the places not yet travelled
Ill make clouds and rain my love on you
Ride the wind right back onto your heart

So please don’t stop loving the memories we have
And Ill always be thinking of you
Whether I’m across the continent
Or up in the sky shining amongst the stars
Gyuwon May 2020
shut up and play along
until you get the chance

to bloom

smile, innocent one
but never hold your hand out

let them fall
watch them burn in flames

and when darkness retreats
back into your heart where it rests

you will be the only
bit of black
flowering in a land of light
Gyuwon Oct 2017
Standing on the roof,
He can feel the cold air hitting his face.
The snowflakes poke straight into his skin
As he clears his mind.

He hums a song, in a low voice.
He closes his eyes, and takes a big breath.
He spreads his arms
then moves himself towards the edge.

Without any hesitation,
He jumps off.
Please don't commit suicide guys
Gyuwon Jun 2018
**** me
Burn me from the inside
Torture me till I let out a scream
Strangle me until I collapse, powerless
Whats the point of keeping me here
When Ive no will to stay
Gyuwon Dec 2017
Whats the point of having a phone if noone ever calls you?
Whats the point of living a life you dont even appreciate anymore?
My brain is taken hostage by the pressure on me
And my body by my insecurities.
Why would anyone care that Im gone?
They dont even know I exist.
So if its gonna end anyways,
Just end me quickly.
Lights out, goodbye.
Gyuwon Nov 2019
Upset, Regret, Forget, Reset
Gyuwon Oct 2017
As the sun starts to flicker,
And the glasses get filled with liquor.
As the street lights shine bright,
And the couples hold tight.
As the moon climbs into the somber and starless skies,
And the lost and drunk wonder around like fireflies-
With empty bottles in their hands,
But still filled with hope and enthusiasm in their hearts.

Just lost,
Wondering around,


Just Wondering.
Gyuwon Jan 2019
When I become passive and unenthusiastic
And my already blackened soul darkens to an even darker shade of black;

When the unknown tears misrepresent my sorrows and my cold sweat is no longer a medal of effort and triumph

When my nails are basically non-existent from my fears eating them away and my hand gets the shake

When people start to have “sympathy” in me and try to understand my tears

When all forms of mental sanity has been terminated, my noggin inside my head but my mind outside my body

People will come and pay tribute to my empty shell, maybe shed a few meaningless tears,
Oh well, its too late now
Gyuwon Feb 2018
Let's go somewhere we can feel safe
Somewhere hidden behind the walls
Where we are guaranteed at least a meal a day
And a blanket to fight the cold
We wont have to run away from anything
We will call this place home
I can get a job and you can go to school
You wont have to worry about nothing;
Its a great country I hear
Lets leave behind the terror and fear
And move on to our beautiful future
A Message to @realDonaldTrump presented to you by Gyuwon Roh
Gyuwon Feb 2019
untouchable i stand
uncontrollable i live
unforgettable is the memory
unforgivable is you

impossible is forgiveness
improper is your attitude
inappropriate is your actions
insane is gonna be me

decomposing is my soul
Gyuwon Feb 2020
I feel you by my side,
You’re all around

Yet you feel so far-
Like you can’t be found

I hear you all the time
Even without a sound

I still feel your warmth by my side
Like warm sunlight shining on the ground
Gyuwon Jun 2019
drenched in sweat
worn out, exhausted
tears fake sympathy
artificial feelings
trespass reality
reset simulation
savor all of the pain
the beating of your heart
now stop
living torture
living is a torture
Gyuwon Oct 2017
Like a spear,
A question aimed straight at my heart,
A question which instantly makes you guilty-
Sharp and Pointy,
Yet so cliché.

Are you living your life to the fullest?

A question that doubts your routines
A question which shows your insecurity.

Like a spear,
It penetrated my soul-
Questioning all of my achievements,
Questioning my entire life.
Ugh I feel like I **** at writing these.
thanks guys for taking your time to read this
Gyuwon Oct 2019
My heart hums a tune inside
And the vibrations tell me what to do

“Just mute it out”, people told me
So I just listened to what everyone else had to say

But sometimes, I tune back into the now silent channel
And quietly look back at who I used to be

Maybe if I loved myself a little more back then
My radio could have been heard by everyone
But nows a little too late to start over, isn’t it
While writing this piece, I realized that the reason why “influencers” are in such high social position nowadays is because they didnt listen to the people telling them to ignore the sound of their hearts, and now the people who did listen, need something other than themselves to tune into. Isn’t it sad, how the value your heart possesses can only be discovered by yourself, yet so many people ignore it? Everyone might feel better about themselves when they tune into their own stations and the world becomes a place full of unique and interesting individuals.
Gyuwon Dec 2017
Just the idea of being forgotten haunts me every night

So when I’m gone,
Remember me, Okay?
Gyuwon Jan 2019
one with a leaking heart
i scare people away
with my skin of lifeless twigs
and my traumatizing sillouette
i scare people away
no colour in my eyes, no
only silence from my mouth

feet fixed to the ground
cant do nothing for myself
i inhabit this lonely field
and scare people away

only birds befriend me,
i scare people away
Gyuwon Apr 2019
live like a shoe
endure the beating
never say a word
never let out a scream

maybe smell a little,
youre not perfect, worry not

breathe sand and dust
swim in puddles
bounce all around
sit all quiet

maybe get soaked
and hung on the laundry lines
the sun entertains you
and tickles yoy dry

get tied a knot
tight enough to hold on
get stitches when
you get torn up

get scratches
holes on your body

make a new friend

hi friend
you must be my replacement


dont tie your knots too tight
let your shoe breathe

dont suffocate yourself
and enjoy the life given to you
Gyuwon Jan 2019
Two shots of tequila
A sprinkle of my tears

Pain in the glass
Like a shattered pane of glass

Bland taste
Blended heart

A candle inside an empty fireplace

Drown in my tears
And burn down my years

Was it my tears in tequila
Or tequila in my tears
Gyuwon Apr 2020
your mouth speaks of sadness
as it struggles to force a smile

your eyes dance through loneliness
lost in the sea of all the lights

i reach into the darkness
dreams come alive as I hold your hand

the world gets dimmer in your head
so i smile a little darker every stand
Gyuwon May 2020
every sound
eventually comes to an end

they seemingly
vanish into mere vibrations
and slowly
lose the story within


every sound
takes back the lives it lent

since your birth
you have been paying off
the debt you owe
by living everyday silently


every voice tells a different story
but every story is heard

your mountains of debt
are nothing compared to
what you borrowed
when sounds gave you life
Gyuwon Feb 2019
Be a star in the night sky

Ill watch you shine

Glowing ever so brilliantly

Even better with some time

Light up the empty canvas

(You in the air tonight★)
Supernova in the sky
Gyuwon Feb 2019
****** battle
A survivor
Exit wounds
Still he moves on
Bruised skin
Armored up
Cracked bones
More room for him to heal

Dont stop believing
A tribute to Journey
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Darkness shines intensely on this endless road
Shadows rule over my somber field
The isolated wasteland looks so desolate
Not a single drop of tear to be found

You will never be located here
Forever be abandoned
You won't ever feel anything here,
Not even sorrow

Feeling dry as sand
Shiver down my spine
Waves of nothing hitting my face
I take pointless steps everyday
Dont bother moving around
Youd end up in the same place anyway

Perhaps Ill be here for a century
But who cares, tears wont find my eyes here

Don't call me a coward
Im not scared to feel
Im just scared for myself

So dont come find me with your feelings
I refuse to feel anything
Radiate me with nothing
So that tears wont find me
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Dont come find me when I disappear
Im probably sitting in a corner crying
Sometimes the misery of living gets to me
And singing away at my favorite songs
Only escalates the situation

I go to my favourite corner- the darkest corner;
It seems to understand me
Gyuwon Oct 2017
A boy, with a tangled mind,
A boy, with just his purpose to find.
A man, with no emotion,
A man, who just wants promotion.
An elderly, whose face has turned grim,
An elderly, with no life left in him.

My body feels empty,
And my soul is almost dried out.
My heart, engulfed in guilt,
Continues to beat, washing off its filth.

With every beat of my heart,
That moment is getting closer,
And closer.
Gyuwon Oct 2017
We met in the spring
When the flowers bloomed.
I fell in love with you,
And so it started.

Then came summer,
With the blazing sun.
We fell in love deeper,
As we were lying in the sun.

Then came autumn,
And the leaves started to fall.
We were fighting more,
We were waging a war.

Then came winter,
With the freezing of hearts.
Our feelings have already died,
And so has our relationship.

So when it starts to snow,
Come and kiss me goodbye.
Gyuwon Oct 2017
When you fall down,
get back on your feet.
and when you get to the top
just look down at the ones who doubted you.
Gyuwon Oct 2017
Cracking under pressure,
I’m about to lose it all.

Pushed to the edge,
I’m about to take a fall.

Flying high up in the sky,
I’m about to stall.

Trying my best,
I still hit a wall.
this is one of my favorites
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Death is inevitable
Its just a matter of when it comes
Early or later
It doesnt matter
Today or Tomorrow, in a hundred years
Who cares, all will turn to dust in the end

A meaningless structure of atoms
Thats what we are
Break everything down into molecules, atoms, quirks and electrons, then everything is lifeless
I wouldnt have had to exist if I wasnt here in the first place

undo big bang. please
Gyuwon Feb 2020
we all live inside mirrors
as mere reflections

with every touch it blurs
the image of our projection

just our outside figures
define most rejections

but its the weight of our fears
that fill us to perfection
Gyuwon Apr 2019
My pillow seems to be always wet
Covers have a few imaginary holes

I try to face the sun at all times, yet
Rainclouds seem to really like me

Well, at least I like rain
And rain likes me
What would have I done
If even rain didnt like me
Gyuwon Mar 2020
I cry every single time that I see you
Yet you still hide away inside these layers

I thought I had known you well enough
But that’s just another layer to cry through

— The End —