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812 · Apr 2015
Erase Me
Taru Marcellus Apr 2015
I hate my job. All I do is destroy things - words, hopes, dreams. I used to love life. Watching people make mistakes,  I always felt like I was their second chance, their saving grace. I could help them forget the past, eradicate their errs; sometimes even move on having learned something.  But now, now I think I cause more anxiety than joy. The other day Mr. Thompson asked a student to work out a problem on the board, but they wanted to know if they were right first. No one likes to slip up but they dont realize my purpose is to erase those slip ups. Now days I only get to erase things that are right.  I think the world would be a better place if all the right things were permanent.  I think the world would be a better place if I could create...
797 · Dec 2014
Christmas Dementia
Taru Marcellus Dec 2014
sitting at a bar,
Christmas Eve,
one bartender.
an overflow of drinks.
no conversation.

at the bottom of each glass
is the question
can I be happy
at the top of my mind
are flash images
-of women
-of ****
-of endless money
...and out of the void comes an answer

Straight, no chaser

I wake up Christmas morning at the bottom of a cup of coffee. All I can think of is opening gifts.
My apologies for the depressing tone.
787 · Dec 2024
A Comfortable Bed
Taru Marcellus Dec 2024
I know nothing of nothing
ignorance is my lover’s back
traced over in tenderness
do not speak to me of failure                                                    
I am listening to it snore
Taru Marcellus Aug 2014
we are roaches of men
burnt down to bare ***
discarded in the gutter
with the flickering cool of ash

flames tasted
and wanted nothing to do with us:
the filtered pull
the long inhale
(don't forget to breathe)

we were once
part of something bigger
more meaningful
now we're just the grime leftover
the scraping at the end of the day
we are roaches of men


we­ are roaches of men
scuttling about vast voids
(especially in the dark)
searching for damp corners
and damp holes
moist places to rest our soul

but you object of our nature
raid us with Raid
don't you know:
we can survive the apocalypse
atoms mean nothing to us
nor bombs

flick the lights to find us on our backs
the sight of us struggling for life
we are roaches of men
Writing prompt:
We are roaches of men

Z Turner's Edition:

Quentin Briscoe's Edition:
751 · Dec 2012
Unchained (10w)
Taru Marcellus Dec 2012
ancient minds chatter
native tongue
who the **** are you
744 · Feb 2017
Taru Marcellus Feb 2017
have you ever looked into the eye of a storm ,, embraced the calm as turbulence engulfs everything around ,, this is how we are taught to live
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
the self harm thing is not for me
but in mind's eye I still can see
a pricked identity leaves a trail
effortless [and gross] like a snail
730 · Jun 2014
High Line (10w)
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
artificially inseminated trees sprout from train tracks
**the concrete jungle
718 · Mar 2014
Neat Mind
Taru Marcellus Mar 2014
the chaos king has orderd his
                                                             ­                                                          steps
                                                           ­   with
                                                        ­                          rights
                                ­                         and
                                                 ­                                                    lefts
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
they told me depression was bad company

I adopted apathy

they told me apathy was no better

I didn't care
Story of my life
707 · Oct 2013
Life, the Great Debate
Taru Marcellus Oct 2013
I sit in a meeting of minds
unfathomably disoriented
barely stable enough to coexist
like malformed ideas in a controversial debate
One of my oldest. not really a poem, just a thought.
703 · Jun 2014
Morning Wood (6w)
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
man in all his glory:
696 · Dec 2012
Moonlight (10w)
Taru Marcellus Dec 2012
luminescent lemon,
stop smiling at me
you're making me blush
682 · Jan 2017
Lunar Escape
Taru Marcellus Jan 2017
there are so many holes in the sky tonight
I wish I could crawl through one
and drop into an infinite drop
explore the nothing in the nothing
freefalling has always felt natural to me
I guess that's why it's so hard to orient myself
with enough space for beliefs and doubts
I look to the moon for guidance
while it waxes and wanes
it is always whole
illuminated or not
it is always present
654 · Apr 2014
Ethereal Glory
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
One must be invariably brilliant to tag a bathroom stall
   the throne room of sages

And so it was
   that middle school ***** were shrouded in ******* wisdom

And in college
   some Platonic rebel, a self proclaimed tyrant
enlightened the blind
versed solely in idealism- Freshmen

Post hoc
an underground caffeine ****** relabeled toilet paper college diplomas
accepting the cheapest education afforded me
irony quizzically probed~
               will you ever join the ranks of legend?
                                                        ...some faded wall awaits your signature

And so
   in some near distant future
   I did respond
   to porcelain tiles
   idley surrounding a porcelain judge
               for a ****** time
               call 864-5387 (toilets)
               available for complaints 24/7

I don't think the judge caught my humor
probably too disposed with degrees
College quote- in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king
640 · Jan 2015
Rap #1
Taru Marcellus Jan 2015
there's an election everyday
and you choose
     you choose
between contrary thoughts
and you win or lose
be it economy or health care
you can be on welfare
living offa food stamps
exploiting the help there's
like 12 million ways to live my man
choose one
that boy is suicidal dreaming of a shotgun
that girl is suicidal dreaming of a casket
I'm done counting sheep
my dreams is passed that

woke up in Brooklyn
still looking for Wonderland
skipping down the roads of Oz
chasing after Peter Pan
ingesting that fairy dust
climbing up the rabbit hole
nostalgia my drug of choice
I OD on the days of old

now slow it down for the days of new
I'm taking baby steps
scoping out a change of view
I'm a philanthropist
all I want is change for you
so keep the money for yourself
it's too much ado
640 · Nov 2012
Thinking 101
Taru Marcellus Nov 2012
"I feel like it's unfair. I feel like everyone should have that one tooth to show off, even if their smile is only one tooth. I feel like that's only right."

He told me, if you are in this class, you have to stop feeling and start thinking.

[Shrug]"I think it's unfair. I think everyone should have that one tooth to show off, even if their smile is only one tooth. I think that's only right."

He asked why?

"Because I feel like..."

STOP! Stop feeling. Think.

That night, I told my girlfriend I thought I didn't love her
I don't think she liked that very much because I never saw her after
but I've been thinking ever since
and whenever someone tells me I'm thinking wrong
I feel mad
but I ignore it
I think I'm becoming a better person
though I smile less, I think more
whenever someone says I feel
I tell them think
I tell them Grow up and use your brain
I tell them think

One day
my professor gave me an F on a paper
but I thought he was wrong
(I never once wrote the word feel)
but he said my thinking was wrong
so that night,
that night I thought long and hard
And the next day I gave my professor a FINAL grade
and I thought it was fair

Now I'm sitting in this chair
me talking to you
you asking me
how do I feel?
How do I feel?

I don't. I don't feel anything.
I think feeling is a waste of time.
and so when those currents come shooting through my veins
pleading with me to feel, if only for one last time
I'll smile
and tell them to count my teeth!
Can someone tell me what they get from this ending....please!
623 · Feb 2017
Am I Wrong?
Taru Marcellus Feb 2017
They say if you want to keep a secret hide it in a book, so I'm writing these words between solemn pages with the hope that they die quietly, as I am
I saw something I wasn't supposed to today
It was tucked into the margins
All of me says it wasn't supposed to happen, but it did
And I saw it and heard it and even felt it
I didn't do anything though, just kept writing ...
612 · Oct 2013
Taru Marcellus Oct 2013
In a world where composition
Knows the heart better than blood
what becomes of the words unwritten
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
this type of poem is new to me
as fresh as stale Olde English
the malt is flowing into me
and soon we'll both be finished

the cheapest of the bottom shelf
this poem is an insult
to Shakespeare and his flock of elves
it mocks their olden art

Elizabeth would have my head
hung in her court for sport
and so it is with heart of dread
I offer this retort

be weary of the ancient forms
they come with hidden ancient norms
this was SO hard. I swear when making this insult and art rhymed in my head lol
599 · Mar 2015
Relearning the Game (10w)
Taru Marcellus Mar 2015
erratic eradication
rationalizing radicals
misled by education
realign your tactical
598 · Feb 2014
Haiku for the 21st Century
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
a spider's network
facebook twitter instagram
social suicide
596 · Feb 2013
Build an Arc (10w)
Taru Marcellus Feb 2013
flood  out
  can            pain  
      tears                 rainbows
sky's                              will
the                                       follow
591 · Nov 2015
Taru Marcellus Nov 2015
you can find reprieve in the burning of a candle
the flicker of wick
  pure animation of life

come and dance on these ponds with me
submerge yourself in scents unknown

have you ever bathed in lavender
come out dripping royalty

this, is the secret to passion:
dance in the wind
dance til the end
and when darkness comes
light another candle
591 · Feb 2015
It's Such A Beautiful Day
Taru Marcellus Feb 2015
Life goes on
each breaking dawn is a bittersweet symphony
each crowning dusk reveals what we were meant to be
each passing day is another passing chance
so be sure to make a mess
and leave a stain on history
If you have netflix you should watch It's Such A Beautiful Day!
590 · Mar 2014
Pok•e•mon (10w)
Taru Marcellus Mar 2014
Call me Ash Ketchum
I'm just tryna get a peek-at-you
Taru Marcellus Jan 2018
Life has a funny way of mocking the non-believers
like reviving a heart just to kamikaze it back into submission

You were like my first sunset
a beautiful portrait of cascading hope
you were the colors that made dying days into dreams
a foreign land full of possibilities
I could close my eyes and wake half a world away with you

                   but life is funny
578 · Mar 2013
The Law in 10 words
Taru Marcellus Mar 2013
people weren't made for restrictions
defy society (within reason)
572 · Mar 2013
Lest Sleep Finally Fall
Taru Marcellus Mar 2013
I wanna punch a hole in a hole
make the blackest black
crawl inside
   and sleep

     is not insomnia
        this is lust
   twisted into the most frustrating knot
             and dawned with the ugliest bow

lying in bed
I swear I can hear the ceiling crack
it is mocking me
   incessant cackling
        I wanna tear this ******* room apart
crumple walls and bury them beneath buckling kness

I cannot stay still
it's like I've been touched
   and left to dry
   then left to die

        this is no way to end

my bones are starving hyenas
the bed, a watering hole
there is a slumbering carcass next to me
its flies
   buzz tidings of sheep-filled fields
     ~utopias of sleep~

but I
   am surrounded by night
no stars               no sheep               no sleep
only silence
   but not dark enough
this hole is not dark enough

someone punch a hole in me
I need to get some sleep
562 · Aug 2014
Taru Marcellus Aug 2014
a distant shore
of something old
I visit often
the breeze is cold

the waves have gone
tides receded
I still fight hard
just to keep it
I know there's more but I'm content with this.
561 · Feb 2014
Seven Minutes: Big Ego
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
me & mine, you & yours
ego often de-vou-ers
the right intentions are left to die
in crossroad streets with blurred out lines
the 'I' of the storm is calm but unclear
swayed by petty winds of fear
me & mine, you & yours
'I' alway(s) win(s) in ego wars
the battlefields are laced with bias
mine -fields that cannot deny us
me & mine, you & yours
I'll sit this out, it ain't my course
6 minutes. I write seriously slow...and think at that pace too. My most recent poem has been a work in progress for going on two weeks now
560 · Jun 2017
Taru Marcellus Jun 2017
he stood at the precipice of the most beautiful sunset
breathed in the colors
                            ... and exhaled loneliness
inhaled THC
              ... and coughed out a single sigh

he had seen it before

but from a different angle altogether
over the hills of her body
the colors seemed more vivid
his senses more alive
against the soundtrack of her heartbeat
the cascade was more than just a view
it was a glimpse
                              of what life could be
what's a view without someone to share it with
544 · Nov 2012
Taru Marcellus Nov 2012
a future well invested
broke *** graduate
539 · Mar 2014
Taru Marcellus Mar 2014
I write to keep myself sane
I write to keep myself sane
I write because I'm insane
my mind roams on astral planes
it's like my mind          body          &          spirit
live in 3 different eternities
they circle around nothing
to form a Venn Diagram
the commonality is called reality
it is the looniest loop
I would much rather live between lines
read and created
between black and white panels

I am in sane
I'm a math teacher if you haven't figured out yet
537 · Nov 2012
Who but You
Taru Marcellus Nov 2012
who is to speak for the voiceless
     when their mutters make not a sound
who is to speak for the broken
     when their pieces cannot be found
Not I said the boy
     No one has spoken for me
so walking home
     he avoided cracked stone
          his eyes diverted down
and he saw no evil
     because he looked away
          until that very tragic day
               when it stood directly in his path
and he hadn't a clue what to do
he opened his mouth with a yelp
     but no one heard his cries
he was now the voiceless
     invisible to our eyes
531 · Nov 2013
If the Room Could Talk
Taru Marcellus Nov 2013
the floorboards would creak with love
or maybe just lust
wood does not know the difference
Taru Marcellus Aug 2014
we are all of the same matter
cells and ****
swelling into different sizes
some fat                                            
                 ­          some obese
some                        grotesquely                 skinny
but we are all of the same stuff
pigment variation splayed along a spectrum
what makes you better than anyone else

either we all matter or none of us do...
In the grand scheme... everyone of course has individual talents which they are better than others at but no one is holistically better than anyone else...been watching a lot of Orange is the New Black
523 · Jan 2017
Fuck You
Taru Marcellus Jan 2017
I could care less what you think of me. You are a small person in an ever-expanding universe. My reality is bigger than you, and your tiny world!
to no one in particular
509 · Feb 2014
Lost Mid-Train
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
I once saw an eye on the floor of a subway car
I was not drunk
or high
or delusional
I was sober minded
in the most silent of ways

...months later..

that eye has disappeared under the footsteps of millions of New Yorkers
*a crowd clouds even the soberest of things
498 · Apr 2014
Intersections (15w)
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
While jaywalking:

I imagine a car
whisking me away
for the ride of a lifetime
Taru Marcellus Jun 2014
the technicalities of technique
find cracks where there is no fault
in cracked faces etched with smiles
and written so it is
that syntax is but confused hindsight
that youth is but confused ____
                              ...well just confused
488 · Feb 2017
Don't Tell
Taru Marcellus Feb 2017
I want to part your lips and slip you a secret
Taru Marcellus Jul 2014
stir vigorously
stir until the handle knows it's purpose
feels vs knows... which works better?
471 · May 2014
Teacher Daze
Taru Marcellus May 2014
How was your day?

                                       it was a day....except

this kid in the last row of class
shrouded in his own personal forest fire
actually took the time to cool into his seat

he settled down like a tree stump
as he listened to the murmuring of roots
                      y = ax^2 + bx +c

how could he not be captivated
in this wasteland for numbers and adolescent brains
how could he not be cultivated
                       this is my job

for the first time
he raises his hand with answers unpronounced
stumbling through parentheses
   as if they were brackets holding him together
               it is harder than it looks

he approaches the board
   -paper in hand
      and turns to face his audience

****! * it's a lot of people in here

I later ask him, when was the last time you went to the board
he says * never
It's the little victories that count
471 · Feb 2014
Foggy Mind (15w)
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
we need some clouds up in this piece*

   ~the dying wish of a sunny day
470 · Jul 2013
What of:
Taru Marcellus Jul 2013
empathy for others
when the sole is always painted red
Interpretations are welcomed and appreciated
469 · Feb 2014
Only the Good Die Young
Taru Marcellus Feb 2014
sometimes I wish I were a martyr
a  Billy Joel punchline that hit premature
I wish that something would strike me
so that I could feel struck instead of stuck
sometimes I wish I had a cause worth dying for
then I could truly feel alive
467 · Nov 2012
Taru Marcellus Nov 2012
a single cloud on a clear blue day
thinning and alone in every way
floating along til it dissipates
as tears that stream my face
467 · Mar 2015
How You Been?
Taru Marcellus Mar 2015
I'm ******* **** uuuuuuuuup in the worst way!!!
almost forgot my mom's birthday
drowning in my own little misery
I think I really hate life
liquor seems to stick to me
**** wants to reminisce, dig up all my old ****
sitting in a cloud of smoke, dreaming of my old chick
nostalgic of past days
   wish this was my last day
...yea I wish this was my last day

Now it's daybreak
sun is on the rise again
hiding from the moon to keep the shadows from my irises
ignorance is bliss so I don't wanna see no evil
but I can't ignore a whole world full of people
I can't be blind to my own **** reflection
used to be good but I lost that connection
nother kid murdered, still I feel no connection
-----a common misconception

But can I fix my vision to become a visionary?
Can I find my purpose ******* her in missionary?
in a world full of things, if i buy a diamond ring, Does that mean love is eternal?
cuz that's kinda scary.
Is happiness an illusion cuz it doesn't last?
Is today just a mirage of the distant past?
if a circle always spins, when I do reach my end, Does that mean I was a point in a pile of ash?
Taru Marcellus Apr 2014
the proof is in the pudding*
                                    irony is in the jello
                                              just eat it all
Check out the history of this oft misquoted phrase...
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