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Sasha Scarr
22/F/Miami, FL    Sasha Scarr is a fucking rebel.
Emperor Icecream
Shot poetry in my veins.
flaming arrow    “The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” ― Roosevelt / If you could time-travel to a moment in ...
liv hart
And someday you will ache like I ache All rights reserved. Your words are just as beautiful, do not steal mine.
Why Poemasabi? It's a name I've used since I started writing poems. It's a modification of a gamertag I've used for years. Behind that curtain ...
Born in my native country and forced to transition into a different culture as a child. Today, I see life through a very unique perspective ...
Ayaba Babe
Fort Lauderdale    Angel | Àse | Flower Child. Vermont. Boston. South Florida. PHENOMENAL... just like Miss Angelou, HONEY consistency... just like Oshun.
27/Trans Male/The Secret Garden    Trying to sleep, but all I do is dream.
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
Cameron Godfrey
Where the Sidewalk Ends    Some people are people who write. I am a writer who peoples. I'm Cameron Godfrey and I'm here to leave a legacy.
Micheal Wolf
On the edge of reason, UK    You Can't Polish a Turd so don't waste time trying! Male White to avoid confusion! Brain fitted as standard on this model but it plays ...

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