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...Blood is dry like bones and dust
So as the stars
wrapped by a moonless sky
Reasons have never been this dull
and the air is turning into
fragments of broken mirrors
so it seems
is but another struggle worse
than drowning in nightmares
So I dream
perhaps one day in the dark
the sky would rumble
behind the black clouds
and hold a prayer
to light the
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
Ayaba Babe
When I look at you,
I don't know what to look at first.
You're so visually inspiring its
You're eligible for
I want to write
Without letters
I want to kiss you
Without lips
I want to choose
without thinking
I want you
Without me
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
"I bet your lips are soft."


And there goes everything I've ever known.
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
Johnny Agape
I travel daily
To chase the Sun, it's radiance empowers me
For things that lose meaning.

I , insignificantly scurry along my labors
under the Sun's demanding gaze.
"Make haste," Said He,
" For I will not remain fixed; I must fly."

I labor, weary of his glare.
And yet, where work is through,
I journey west, in vain of his flight,
hoping for his purpose in warmth.
Instead, I am faced with the harsh reality:
The Moon is cold and distant, and will not suffer herself to give warmth or purpose.

And so, I repose.
Waiting for the race to begin anew,  
To renew my spirit within the purposes of the Sun.
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
burn the light of fire
and wax the ears of injustice.

chide the moon
and bid ado to the reckless sun.

count the blessings of misfortunes
and wave verbs in the air--
breathing the hopeful breaths of married sandals

Label the pains of a billion rain drops and fawn the feathers
of a nightingale over the glory of failed
triumphs known as yesterday.

break the hands of a wristwatch and make a ******* of time--
for through the God in Satan was how Earth was won.
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
Poison spoon fed the nodding King and ended ancestors.

Holy cows bought government *****
and ate suicides grown by ***** Kubla Khan gospels.

Shantih, Leviticus, and other proper thoughts
kissed arms of air and made islands from memories of breakfast.

Eternity perished in the illusion of swallowed tongues
in the belly of an infant—
and yesterday,

Only one bullet of hallelujah stood swimming.
"It’s a war going on outside we ain’t safe from
I feel the pain in my city wherever I go
314 soldiers died in Iraq, 509 died in Chicago"--Kanye West "****** to Excellence"
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