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 Mar 2014 Tamurray
Jack Forrest

I've had enogh of yo,
It hrts that yo said those things
and then said yo love him
dont nderestimate me

when I say I've forgotten u
I was never the sports star, smartest kid in class or even the coolest. More like low self esteem dork girl who had more guy friends than girls never felt like I fit in but always never cared. I lied.... They bullied me verbally, I was no longer invisible I was the punch line to everybody's joke on bus 12 after a long day of school. I kept my head down because the **** hurts more than they could physically ever know. The walk home consisted of promising myself I wouldn't cry and debating on if I hated them or myself more. Dear arms I am sorry I've been taking all of my frustration out on you, it's just that since I'm not a size 6 everyone hates me so I have to hate you. How was school? Cool. Bad day? Bad life. Don't pretend like you care because I've spent too many nights alone in my room crying and screaming while my "mother" was in the next room. Dear heart I'm sorry I always let you down, I'm sorry I make you go through so much. I'm sorry you have to feel everything I feel. It's my fault they hate me not yours. They finally broke us I'm sorry.
Dear Danielle, you're me and I am you. Im sorry I gained so much weight last year, I'm sorry I couldn't lose it all. I'm sorry they hate us. I'm sorry mom can't get the braces we need. I'm sorry nothing ever works out for us. I'm sorry Jayte left. I'm sorry this is all real. I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I couldn't save Lala. I'm sorry no one loves us. I'm sorry god doesn't listen. I'm sorry no one knows we are sad. I'm sorry I'm so sorry. It's all kind of blurry right now. There's so much blood I really can't see anymore. They say it'll get better, I wanna say it'll get better but it never does we just learn how to maintain. How to forget. And how to move on.....
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
Alvira Perdita
Glasses are the international sign for nerd
But also for genius, and if we're to be honest
It all makes sense, the two go hand in hand
Those who read generally have a wider knowledge

But I've been brought up with the thought
That everyone has the same level of intelligence
And I like that idea, because we're all different
And we're all good at different things

Some people are arty, and others are businessy
And I think the world is perfect the way it is
Because everyone is the same, in their own way
With, or without glasses.
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
Jonah Lavigne
Run your fingers through my soul.
For once, just once,
Feel exactly what I feel,
Believe what I believe,
Perceive as I perceive,
Look, experience, examine
And just for once,
Just once
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
Emma Pickwick
Plunging under the surface,
Swallowing water I won't cough up.
Choking underneath.

The sun beams down onto the surface,
It smiles at me, the most brilliant smile.

"I'm ready."

Reflections flicker like quick flashes of pictures
Of myself as a small child,
Carving pumpkins on the kitchen floor with my mother.
Snorting and laughing,
"Mommy, you're so funny!"
This is all I can think of.

The trees look down on me, disappointed, I can see it.
They wave goodbye to me in the warm summer breeze,
So full of life.

"I'm ready."

The pain in my chest is slowly disappearing.
My head is full of endless possibilities, but no remorse.
I'm surrounded by a glimmer, circling my body.
It's so happy, it's dancing for me.

"I'm ready."

And I can't see anymore,
I am just left with my final thoughts.
But I know in my soul,
It will be beautiful, wherever it is.
Whenever I get there, sooner or later.
A blast of sun shining through my broken spirit.

**"I'm ready."
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
Broken clocks remind me time is fragile.
You are only on earth for a little while.
Only God knows when your time is near.
Just live life to the fullest, live life without
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
In her own jaded perception of reality
She opened her eyes.
Herself is what she does hate.
She watches her weight.
Her thighs to big, her dreams too small.
She starved herself to look like a fashion
She dreamed of thin, she wished to be tall.
She looked in the mirror imperfection is
All she seen.
In your jaded perception of reality of what
You thought was true don’t forget nobody
Is better than the real you.
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