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Her words cut me like a knife
Though I love her with all my might
I would sacrifice my very life yet
Something's just not feeling right

Once joyous and sublime, now
Her words cut me like a knife
I want to go back to those times
before all this drama and strife

I try express how I feel inside
and try to talk it out
Her words cut me like a knife
she says all I do is pout

We might be broken beyond repair
I fear where we may have arrived
I no longer know what to do when
Her words cut me like a knife
*Viator Form
She left me
one fine spring day.
I didn't see it coming,
or rather her going away.

Winter came because
she left me.
My heart chapped from
the coldness of her exit.

I couldn't find her
to beg her back since
she left me
I remain a total wreck.

Time has passed but
I still cry in my bed that
has become a tomb in which
she left me.
*Viator form
I wrote her
Happy words
Loving words
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Another try
I wrote her
Please love me
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She broke me
One more day
I wrote her
Still trying
to give her
the world
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I'm crushed
My heart
lies in ruin
I wrote her
Ink pleading
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My inks run dry
My heart is full
yet broken in pieces
She doesn't see me
I wrote her
One final time
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*Viator form

— The End —