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Cmi Jan 2019
Encapsulated  In The Darkness

She lived  Alone Within

Knowing  Her Lover Exists

She Loved Him  Within

Calling  Got  Strong

She  Felt   The knock

At the door of  Her heart

She Heard His Whisper

In Her Breath

Here comes

Her Lover Bright

And Beautiful

Holding Her Hand

Takes Her To His heart

Her Home

His Embrace

She Hears His voice

Why Are You Afraid

I Never Left you

Am Always With you

Please Move On

Cmi Jan 2019
Under the blanket
Of a starry night
Drinking wine
Of Tears
From the cup of
Each other’s  eyes
Getting drunk In  love
Smelling fragrance
Of  breath
Dancing in the rhythm
Of own heart
Caressing by clouds
Flying infinitely
In the sky
Bathed by The light
Of the moon
Let’s  cherish
This moment
Just You and I
vanishing in each other
Breath dissolving in Breath
Let our souls fly so high

Wrote for a new year

— The End —