A limo ride provides extra oxygen flip flop flop flip might be the heart is angry again? VVheels turn pavement ends arrival time rushing out room 9 is yours wait some time it goes by slovv X-ray shovvs vve found gold on to computerized axial tomography hold the contrast in comes the nevvs you're alone vvhen it comes
VVe survey through vvalls uncover lies by redolent Jasmine knovv thoughts before lips even meet their syllables scour memories since birth every embarrassing moment leaving no stone unturned vve are the forever ones here before and after verily
Nothing here for you knife **** the platitudes count my teeth so vve can be equal brush aside the curtains so curious of all the tick tocking love mocking eons ago black tar lip locking a death so LOUD it's deafening can you see? are you missing? can you feel? are you listening?
Hi there I am drunk alone in the dark again **** poetry && vvhat you think you knovv about it pump my ego hoping for a pump of your ovvn looking in the mirror hey self, ******* self death vvill **** your soul you ******* ***** life ****** ****** death is going to love you love is going to death you mash you the **** up sleep hard pounding heart hi heart, ******* heart die already **** in the toilet morning come Clonidine after noon Amlodipine future ashes for us
Thrashed interminably to find a Death like this, Death like this; digs d e e p , to make room, for you: that obdurate; swart; gelid; merry-go-round. In the centre of maelstrom; tranquility lives, as 393 echos evaporate amid Amaranth & Hibiscus, Amen.
I am lost to the winds, but a feather, nor you the wearer - This time is brief and incandescent, a well salted egression ... A trade in place - Too otherworldly for you so I sail the ocean alone, you are shorelined and it's time - Farewell.