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The Ripper Apr 2016
I span time -

in every instance -

I am sickness -

devoured by flame -

reborn through Ice -
The Ripper Apr 2016
needs not to cut a svvath
it's portiere falls regardless

Requiring only your marrovv
hanging a noose of your tendons
chevvs you up in public affection
hovv it does you so is love

Pricked ears vvith shadovv cast upon them

I just am
The Ripper Apr 2016
Venturesome tevv
vvant to make you
a 3rd time maker

S             R             T             H             D
       T              E            C             E

O             U             T

saturated && doted on;
vvith boundlessness.
The Ripper Apr 2016
This ghost
the bed of a thousand railroad lines
these bones
  a vvashing board
    to your vvorries
      that door; an open home
        to an empty land
vvage war; cage fair!
   red earth
     called upon
        a vvhirlvvind svvept past
          this vvay
            spirit come
               a thousand deaths
                 in the sand
The Ripper Apr 2016
Feeling broken
looking for a savior
something to change the outcome
If you didn't have this
or that
you vvould surely die

The vvorld is broken
he isn't real
some things never change
anchors sink
bodies vvither

Seeking redemption
in the darkness
only to be met
vvith void
The Ripper Apr 2016
Let us inspect relations with vocabulary,
dig into me && drink of my spark.
You lit the fire, so must you vvatch it burn.
Peel back the sky vvith me,
in fearless abandon.
As tvvo flovvers of the field,
svvay in the breeze
&& sing me your song.
The Ripper Apr 2016
VVake up in the morning
eat three meals per day -
The Ripper Apr 2016
Blue bird
Black flight

speckled sputum
late night

Death's roller coaster

eyes vvide open
a deep divide

flashes of childhood
Mother cries tonight

vvhen the ride ends?
only The Gate Keeper knovvs
The Ripper Apr 2016
VVednesday come;
Midazolam haze,
an adventure:
  a changed
    troubadour avvakens;
      an ansvver
        either vvay.
The Ripper Apr 2016
Celebrity of death;
of the darkest of loves,
building consternation,
on truths too often buried.
Marry bones to the blade;
merry words can seem bleak,
see these teeth?
Might be joy;
never knovv,
'til the svving.
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