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Rose R Feb 6
The world is going to end
And we are all going to die
Or, the world is not going to end
And we are all going to die anyway
In the meantime between the two
All we can do is all that matters
Love, live, keep climbing this mountain
Until the birds stop migrating
And they altogether stop singing
Until the creatures disappear
And we are left only with ourselves alone
Until the sun stops rising
And the warmth leaves for good
Though the world will keep spinning
(And we won't know why)
(You'd think it'd stop spinning,
At that point,
Once it all goes to **** for us)
But the world is going to end
And we're all going to die
So might as well keep on living
All the same as before
Fighting for every moment we can have
For freedom from these cycles, these
Cages where we are the birds
No longer singing nor winging
Or, the world is not going to end
And we are all going to die anyway,
But as the creatures still roam and
We are not yet on our lonesome
All we can do
Is all that matters
Love, live,
keep climbing this **** mountain
Until one day we are able
To see the sun on the other side
Once more
Rose R Dec 2024
maybe freedom
costs some of your soul
nights alone, coyote eyes
sparkling like stars alight
for freedom wants its pay
teeth clicking through desert air
breezing just past your heels
circling, circling, circling
waiting for its chance
Rose R Dec 2024
like the ribcage
of the deer
lay hit aside the road
now begging to be
red and gnarled
against greying grass
vultures circling
eat eat eat
take a bite of what
now open bare to see
once hidden
under fragile skin
Rose R Dec 2024
i am cowboy lonely
lost, haunting,
hoping to be found
the searchlight-sun hitting
across canyon walls
sagebrush vibrant
against rust-and-cream stone
or cast over fields of
sweetgrass and wildflower,
i stand on the horizon
with only the wind at my side,
in my ear,
watching the clouds ramble by
Rose R Dec 2024
born in a suburban valley,
but the appalachians raised me
weekends consisting of
getting lost in the hills
with my eyes and heart
filled with wonder,
this world soaking in
like rain to dry ground

my home soil was birthed
from ancient mountain tops,
the crests in the distance
having seen eras
far beyond our own
they roll like waves across
this landscape,
fields of grass and corn,
harvested crop with bolts of hay
wrapped tight in bulbous swirls

perhaps that’s why traveling
always feels like i never left;
nature invites my footfalls,
belonging to the earth there

to ponder where a soul is from
how old or new it is
who i was before this-
a deep connection to things,
tugging on my string and pulling me
toward certain places, or people,
connections that linger even when
i am no longer there,
or not with the people whose
bonds i’ve grown, forged
appearing on the horizons
growing close enough to touch

we all ponder, truly,
to know ourselves
who we are and who we
once were,
where we are meant to go
and if we are meant to be
what knowledge i must have
collected before now
what wonders i must have seen
if i yearn to search to find
and lose myself
once again
Rose R Dec 2024
Change is tedious
and does not happen
in a single night

It takes time to
move, to uplift
to push and pressure
into your next form

Remember to be forgiving
it is not as if
the Rockies or
the Himalayas
punish themselves
for taking millions of years
to grow to their height

And it is not as if
the Appalachians feel down
about their change
from sky-cutting magnificence
to tired, rolling hills

Time touches us all
for better or for worse
for building us up
or eroding us away
but in the end

mountains are not
made with serenity.
their peaks are
not carved calmly,
nor carved neat.
we too cannot be made
or with careful precision.

Do not forget:
is as tumultuous
as orogeny
orogeny ; the geologic process of mountain building
Rose R Dec 2024
“what has changed since everything?”

at a glance,
very little.
my room is still
a messy grave.
i am still just surviving,
the way i was before.
but i have overcome
in this process
of becoming.
there is no more pretense
for who i must be.
no tether to
an overidealized self.
it’s scary, daunting-
but i am not alone.
i never was,
despite what i
was made to feel.
what fear was
hammered into me.
since everything-

                          Everything has changed.
Rose R Dec 2024
time as a slinky
coils and layers atop another
the climb neverending

it did not begin
it will not end
it will continue its descent
down the haphazard
flight of stairs
it was pushed to
walk itself down

does it tangle,
i wonder?
curled over
so that the lines,
the paths of time,
cross so effortlessly
that whoever must detangle them
may not even bother

leaving time in echoes of itself
intersecting in strange,
residual ways
that we
will never
Rose R Dec 2024
maybe i am so used
to keeping an arm’s length
between myself and others
that death settles into the same role
someone i know,
but who keeps a distance
both out of respect for my ways
and for the times i have nearly met it

the lack of existing
the lack of knowledge on the subject
of course is frightening
it is why we are all
a little afraid of the dark, still,
a little afraid of what is around
the next corner

death, however,
i have known since i was a child
it has been there at wakes
at visitations
at final goodbyes once
the bodies have gone cold
and once the parting words
have been spoken

every time it arrives
it keeps a distance
out of respect
for my ways
and for our familiarity

it does not scare me
for my own sake
(i have known it since i was a child)
(i have nearly met it face-to-face)
(i believe it is gentler than we like to think)
(despite the variety of ways it takes us)
but with death
always comes grief
always comes mourning
and that is the harder thing
to meet.
Rose R Dec 2024
jesus walked into that desert full of doubt
and i’m not really sure if i ever
willed myself to make it out whole
he’s a lucky guy, refusing temptation
i wonder if the thought crossed his mind
when that itch called to scratch
but maybe i can call up that
wilderness, that doubt-filled drought of inclination
and make it all my own
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