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Adeline Rueben May 2017
Drugs are poison to an already sick brain
Relying on crime to supplement a need
Just watch those junkies push their lives down the drain
The once great potential gave way to greed

I'm not asking for your sympathy
Where were you when the weight of my desperation
Forced me to seek a quick remedy?
Yet you condemn me to eternal damnation

But don't we all have that which we'd rather forget?
Demons that lie in wait for when we are most vulnerable
Those feeling of sorrow, hate and regret
Stab holes in a shield meant to be impenetrable

Remember, on whichever side of this fence you are
Know that both are less clear cut then when viewed from afar
niazkilam May 2017
Mirror mirror on the wall
Please tell me you're lying
I haven't eaten the entire day
And yet I'm still as large

There goes dinner
And maybe breakfast as well,
if I don't​ look lean enough.

I'm waiting for that day,
The day when I finally see bone
Then I'll finally be free
Starfire May 2017
Peer pressure is something we think we cannot avoid
First them, now me, who else are they going to manipulate
I thought I had something to fill the void
By the I realised it was too late

I did not know what was best
This definitely was not
But I let it off my chest
I wanted to see what would happen, so I gave it a shot

Peer pressure can result in drug abuse
It can also lead to teenage pregnancy too
Worst of all I didn't even know I was being used
You could go to a teacher but they might not know what to do

I realised not to give in to peer pressure but to stand strong
Also to help people that are in the wrong
Social Awareness issue
At primary schools I was peer pressured so that`s why I chose peer pressure.
Ammaarah Adams May 2017
Words can hurt, make me feel sad
Especially when I haven’t done anything bad
Sometimes words that hurt the most
Started as a joke or even a boast

Your words are ghosts that haunt me
Calling me all things like fat
Guess what, I’m sick of that
Pains of your words has left many scars

You slowly **** me in every way but physical
I am left insecure, depressed
Now is it funny that you oppressed?
Are your jokes still funny now?

So don't be a bully,
It's really bad.
This poem is to raise social awareness about how one feels when being bullied.

— The End —