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Skarlet D Sep 2015
Go ahead pull it,
I'm not afraid anymore,
You can't play with me,
You're weak,
You're  a fool,
You're just a thought from the past,
You can't hurt me anymore,
The games are over,
I win,
Don't you get it,
You're nothing I tell you,
Just a monster from the past,
An old friend,
You want to fight,
Let's fight,
But this time I will win and all the times after this with one God by my side,
I'm the monster now,
You!, You're the girl from the past now,
You think you brought me down,
But all you did was make me bigger and stronger,
Nothing of you're kind will ever take control of me again,
I'm the queen,
You fear me,
So demon come on,
Just give up,
You’re not in control.
I just found the person that I truly and, I'm proud of who i found.

— The End —