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Ellen Feb 2018
Five senses attracted people in a lighted room
and be one lonely man long I thought
which one I should follow

Wanting my llife to be worth of more likes
I stared at the five senses
wondering which one to please

They say an eye for an eye,
that vision is ideal
but to me vision was blind

The privilege to hear
the lovely melodies of life,
but hearing turned me deaf

The taste of life,
feeling deep the flavor of each experiance
but to me life  was tasteless

It is the touch that affects mankind,
a babie's most used sensor
but I only touched rasors

All the beautiful smells in the world,
a fresh flower's beginning
but I ony got to smell the dead ones

Oh,these senses that people follow
vision,hearing,taste,touch and smell
are only to fulfill their materialistic nature

The sixth sense,
the one most misunderstood by mankind
this is the one everyone should follow

The sixth sense,
not instict but a man mind's spirit and persona
a world too small for unmaterialistic virtues.
Ellen Dec 2017
Why do we really live when none of us cherishes and enjoys life everyday?
Why are we the chosen ones to be intelligent enough to act like fools?
Ellen Dec 2017
Soldiers trying to escape the fire of my passion
unequipped,they are all gone.
King lost with a face of horror,
I have almost retreated.

It is foresworn
that the enemy will seat on the throne.
As he is about to abandon his crown by force,
he listens to the sweet melodic sound of might.
His soldiers may be walking towards Hades
but he decides to stand tall
and he starts  a new killing spree.

When I think my heart,my castle shall go on
my precious beam of hope  falls to the ground.
My marvellous king lies still next to my beaten dreams.

Oh foolish king,
had you allowed me to fight too,
a worn out castle would not not be now burning
in the hands of your rage.
Ellen Dec 2017
After all the lights close
and the blinds shut,
Here he stands
wathching everything getting rough

For now he sees the sins of the day
and life's curse entailes him to act brave
This tiny creature ,let him be blessed
to dream big.

Let him feel the dawn of the day
hurt when he hunts his pray,
live  for only him
and weep when his loved ones go to deep sleep

Life I am begging you
let him compare thee to a dream
and be an entitled human
in a world of machines

— The End —