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Lucio Apr 2018
I'm a man with a gift for poetry
But this isn’t how it always used to be;
Sure growing up I dabbled here and there
But once my heart was broke it progressed, how is that fair:

Senses are enhanced from A Loss, like hearing from lack of sight
You shouldn’t have to lose to gain, that just doesn’t seem right;
But it’s true I, would testify
And yet I’d rather have my old self back, so much so that I cry:

I’ve sat in a cemetery and envied the Dead
Till the wee hours of the morning, a new day is something I would dread;
But I kept on trudging, just like a good soldier should
With everyone saying just be happy, awesome, and smile, then you’ll be good:

How can others say this like it’s so simple, like turning on a light switch
And like a lamp that flickers, I still have light, but with the glitch;
I still laugh, smile, and care it's true
There are just days I can't help from being blue:

But with you the day's aren't as gray
I wish I always felt this way;
A man with a perma-grin
And those small precious moments are what I call a win:

I'm trying so hard to find the lost me
Going solo it's difficult, I'm a one man search party;
Sadly, I'm the only one who knows his true identity
Who I am, was, and who you want me to be:

— The End —