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Khaab Oct 2020
They say," change is the only constant thing..."
And she changed...
As her soul danced between the four seasons
From feeling powerful to the most miserable person
She felt everything...everytime.

There were times when summer flourished
When she took dips in the ocean of stars
And danced the nights away with the fireflies.

But she enjoyed the winter more
Where the winter rains calmed her
And the Dark and Cold felt as her own people.

But before she met them...the maple tree in her garden
was changing colors...from green to orange
She picked up the fallen maple leaves
and played among them.
As she saw everything around her fading away...
She felt autumns were beautiful,
Because she had to be dead to feel live again.

The time passed by...
I remember her sitting...eating her cake
Waiting for the winter to end and spring to come
Waiting to sing songs under her cherry blossom.
Her heart was her home and she sat their celebrating the seasons
She loved all the seasons but something was special about winter and spring...♥

— The End —