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Scatts Jun 2014
i will be famous and that is for sure

i will write and write a lot
people will love me
and hipsters will use my quotes as Facebook statuses
you know hipsters like to brag they read
and critics would glorify my prose
even though I never liked critics at all
(if they don't write, hoy can they even judge other's work?)

mum would be proud
her girl finally made it after all that hard work
she's finally succeding after that time her boyfriend dumped her
and she spent months doing nothing but
going outside, a little
crying, much
writing, very very much
writing like her life depended of it
and now honey finally made it
her name now appears in book covers
in shiny gold cursive

my life will be shiny gold cursive too
i will spend my money in libraries and nice hats
and eat swiss chocolates in a king sized bed
(loaded with pillows, of course)
huge lines for book signings
******* shades with crystals and the pointy upper corner thing
i will be interviewed for famous magazines
and have margaritas in pretty glasses by the pool side
and get drunk, but fancily
with cigars and diamonds and couture dresses
yes sir, i will live good
and you will remember

you will remember as you flip the pages of my book
that time when you insisted on reading my poems
not because you like poems, since you hate them
just because your vanity was stronger
you will flip though my best seller
your name as title
no picture, just pure white emptyness
just your name and mine in a side
(by your side, like i used to believe i wanted to live)
you will read about you
after all this time, you will see
i will make sure i say something nice about you here and there
because you were stardust
but honestly, you were more of a black hole
and i will them them about that
i will tell them everything
that day when you called
that day when you didn't
that day when you told me writing was a waste of time
that day when you said "maybe we would be better off apart"
that day, a week later, when you got a new lady as company
they will know you
they will ask about you
and i won't answer

until i win a really good prize
a prize good enough to stand up and say a little speech
and i will thank, on the verge of tears
you know tears always look good in those cases
(even though tears were useless when i missed you)
i will thank, this order:
to god
no speech would be complete without thanking our lord
and momma and poppa
you told me to reach my dreams and this night feels like a dream, actually
my editor
who believed through thick and thin
and mostly, to you
because without you, nothing of this would have happened

if you didn't turn away that night
maybe i would have still loved you
maybe i wouldn't have aspired to become better
maybe i would have lived forever by your pathetic side

luckily you did
and you will remember
you can be sure as **** i won't let you forget.
...this revenge sounds a little shallow, isn't it?
Mr X May 2014
Remember how you tried to burn me and reduce me to ruins?


The fire still persists,
And feeds on your cursed life.
Tiffany May 2014
Look at what you’ve pushed me to
But if you think I’m going out alone
The joke here is on you

You made life hell, you made love ****
Think you’ll get away with that?
Think again, because this is it

I’m bowing out, and you’re coming too
I’m doing the world a service
By getting rid of you
Say goodbye
nadie se lo imagina
pero debajo de mi delicada capa
guardo una ira ardiente
como el océano de fuego.
Cuando los ojos están vacíos,
y el alma del torturado escapa de su prisión de carne
vuelve la furia en persona
atormenta atormentadores
la piedad ha abandonado su semblante
la bondad quedo enterrada en mis restos
la cortesía fue asfixiada
la amabilidad fue empalada
El respeto fue envenenado
Y la desventaja se vuelve
tu sable indomable
tu aliento mortífero.
Pero vuelves del hades por tan solo una
efímera razón
Observar con paciencia
como la esperanza abandona los ojos
de tu aniquilador,
al ver que has vuelto para ajustar las cuentas.
como tu ardiente puño
arranca los intestinos del vientre suyo
El encorvado filo entre la muerte y...
saciar mi famélica venganza.
colgare tu cabeza de mi cuello
como un recordatorio
para todos aquellos catadores
de placeres martirizantes.
piensen bien
el sufrimiento que implantaron en los demás.
en el día mas *****
en la noche mas roja
repercute un sufrimiento peor
que el que yo pueda llegar a describir.
He degollado a dios
He violado la inocencia de la virgen
He atravesado por el pecho con mi
fatídica espada al hijo de dios.
He forjado mi cuchilla con los huesos de
La venganza es tan segura
como la muerte misma
tus órganos
not that explicit i guess...
Jordan Molina May 2014
For all the hateful glares I ever received
On the topic of who I kissed the day before
I always knew deep down inside
I was begging for it

I never could learn how to say no to any type of attention
Especially that of those who had once been mine
I remember the first time I realized this
Feeling so satisfied with my wicked ways
I thought this was exactly who I had been chosen to be

The stares got longer as the years went on
And I was left wondering more than once
If they even knew the type of men they had "Loved"
And how they promised me so much
Or if it was just an empty gesture that meant nothing

It haunted me for years, leaving a burning in my chest
I had done it for pride and for revenge
Even once for the overwhelming feeling of regret
But I never learned how to believe I was enough

We say so much is different now but if you left tomorrow
And still came home for a little cold comfort
I would pathetically fall right into your arms
And the title I see most fit
A ****** satisfaction
Travis Dixon Jun 2013
Smoke seethes chest high
atop the cellar stairs
of a dingy corner pub
as the night’s end
rattles and races to the bottom
shattering aside
the steaming head of a man
whose wife drank enough
liquor that night to know
she had enough of his ****
to fill a grave.
Vermillion lips smile knowingly
across the room, so at ease it's
almost angelic to see.

He grips his wine glass to almost breaking point,
what the **** is she doing here?
More to the point ,How is she here?

Relationships are like cats, let them out,
and well they'd better be neutered.
That's what gramma said!

Slowly, sensually almost, she sashayed
over to him, she could see his tension,
but not his fear.........yet.

Face to face they smile, but her smile never
reaches her eyes, he stammers, drops his glass,
'Here, she says you need air'

Outside, he's composed
'No one knows, no one knows' he keeps repeating
Who are you talking to darling? She whispers

Not me,I'm dead, you shot me,
I was there, then kicks him hard
Vulnerable alone with his red mouthed wife he screams.

Guests rush out, to their host babbling,
Incoherent, confessing to ******,
screaming over and over, blue lights in the distance

Closer and closer, guests now witnesses.
Host now completely within the pain of a mental
Eternal mind slip.

She, moves closer to him, soothes him, sirens closer,
reassures him as he screams,that yes his wife is dead
appeased he looks up in bewilderment.

Oh, me, oh darling brother in law did you forget?
Jo's twin, the one au-pairing abroad when you married
Pleased to meet you
Tommy Johnson Feb 2014
Imagine your surgical procedure being done by someone you’ve left broken hearted
Surely they’ve put aside the petty squabbles in the past and are prepared to operate

No anesthesia…how curious
Why are your limbs fastened so securely?

Her empty gaze captures your eyes
She looks away and begins the first incision
Down the middle of your abdomen
A cry of stinging pain fills the four walled chamber of oncoming torture
The blade leads down to your waist and sliced open skin follows behind it
And inside dwell your organs within the ribs

Empty jars await their entry sitting on the counter


She remains silent

Yet on the inside a roar of rage propels her to twirl your intestines with a fork like spaghetti and then put it in a jar
That was for the time you put her down and judged her harshly for being anorexic.  
She only wanted to be pretty enough to deserve you

She has waited a long time for this delayed gratification
It has been put off due to her indecision's of how she planned to force feed you your just desserts

A hunting knife into your back?
Too messy
Get a new lover and rub it in your face?
Too predictable
Arsenic or sulfuric acid poisoning?
To easy
The thought of bashing you on social media and bringing out all your grotesque laundry and despicable skeletons?
Well that would diminish her reputation and you; in her eyes are not worthy of that

So this was her concluding decision
Precariously and tediously breaking you down bit by bit

An angel of death with a vendetta against a betraying heretic of love

She plucks your kidneys out with a pair of clean stainless steel tweezers
And drops them in a jar then twists the lid back on tightly

That was for all the times you pressured her to take part in things that went against all she believed to be right and true
“Here, drink this”
“Snort this”
“**** this”
“We don’t need one”
“This won’t hurt”
“Come on don’t you love me?”
Your screams have been silenced with gauze bandages
The muffled agony is like a serene symphony to her

You hurt her
You took her
And had her change everything about her to the point she couldn’t even recognize her reflection in the mirror
What was once a beautiful blonde haired, bright eyed, clear skinned young woman became a pale, thin haired, strung out, sunken eyed broken shadow of herself
All because of you
And your intimidating influence

She spoons out your liver, the your bladder and pancreas
The appendix has already been taken out, on her dime
Remember that?
You had her move in
You had her pay a little of the rent
Then half of it
Then all of it
She worked while you shot up
Then you got her to start shooting up
She lost her job and you two lived on the streets

You’ve passed out now
Your moans and squirms are gone

She proceeds to remove your stomach
This was for what was the most traumatic and tragic moment in her life

You got her pregnant, around the same time you convinced her to join you on a drinking binge
Months later she told you she went to the doctor
And the doctor said your child was still born
Can you recall the sleepless nights of tears and anguish?
Of course not you were invested with another woman at the bottom of a bottle of bourbon

The jars are filling up
Two remain

She rips out your lungs with her bare hands
You told her you would marry her, you would love and cherish her forever
Instead you ruined her life and drove it into the ground
You made her feel lonely even when you were right next to her knocked out in some doped up trance

She bashes your skull open with a rock hammer and picks up your brain and removes the stem
She looks at it
She would have believed it to be more sinister looking
And smaller
Into a jar it goes

Last but not least she looks at your heart
It stopped beating
Your black heart
Full of malice and careless arrogance
Your brutal, evil heart
She rips it out with her own mouth
And takes a bite and swallows
It tastes like a rotten sour stinking fruit
Putrid and vile

Your carcass tied to an operating table
Your torso torn open
And your organs removed and put in jars

The girl you wronged is now satisfied
You are even
You can pass on
And she can move on
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