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Aditi May 2014
take me somewhere far way
without telling me
a place no one knows anything about
that's my destiny

let us leave the time behind
and let the world fade into obscurity
everyone who knows us and everyone we know
become a small dot in
our-rear view mirror

let the walls of our home
be made of our own memories
let us lie next to each other
till eternity
your arms will be the shore of this river i.e me
where you smile, that's where my destination is

        to the lane of my heart, you came like shower
and drenched the caravans of my thoughts with your essence

         to the darkened alley of my mind, you came like sunlight
          enlightened the dreams of my soul

now that i have tasted the sweet feeling of love,
   i don't want to ever let go
i promise you darling, you'll be all that i ever need
without you, everything ain't enough,
with you, i'll make do, with anything

   a silent promise that my heart did to you
   the first day you held me tightly

so, dear darling,
won't you take me to that place
a place where my dream is reality
and reality seems to be the dream
A place where i wake up to the light in your eyes
or sleep to the beats of your heart as my goodnight lullaby

please take me to the place
where there's no You Or I
just us-
two lost souls who found themselves in each other;
defying the law of gravity.
Free-falling..into each others arms, till the end of time
again, it needs lot of editing.

— The End —