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Aditi Jun 2015
Let this night
Bury in itself
All the evidences
Of what happened

Let the wind
Absorb in itself
The screams
No soul heard

Let this floor
Be cleared
Of the innocence
That was taken away

Let these walls
Be painted a new shade
To silence them
so they never tell the tale

Let the incidence
Be turned into twisted politics
A step sideways, and two backward
Never evolving

Let the world
Be dumb and deaf
To the injustice

Let the candles
Be lit in her memoir
And watch them wax
As the news get old

Let the case be placed
Under a big pile of dusty, unsolved files and say*
We did our best
Baby girl, did not you know
The world is no longer safe
For angels with pretty wings to fly in

— The End —