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butterfly Apr 2017
a growling dog jumped on me one night
in a hollow to ****** the baby in my arms    so fragile
my fist came to his face
but bit me nearly to death
blood scattered everywhere
but no one seemed to care

the dog ran out my sight
so      I checked the baby if he's okay
i see The baby was unharmed
undisturbed and asleep    so tight
i wonder  "Why did the baby not cry"
yet I'm full of worry and fright
in a hollow

i spotted two people close by
so amused to themselves as they stood by
i wondered if they have a sight of me
oh god I hope they're not blind my plea
but they seemed not to hear me cry
for help, I don't know why

i'm so scared
what if that beast comes back
and devours my heart out
as his fang in me - tacked
i'd scream and scream
in a hollow      alone and dark

is this just a dream
reflected my fears all in
and how can I escape from here
so uncanny and surreal
how can I wake up
when my soles have rooted up
in a hollow of fear
storm siren Jul 2016
Dear Ceremonial Suit of Armor that shines too bright to be real,

I could tell you I love you. I could tell you I didn't. Both would be lies. I do not love you. That does not mean I never did. There was a point in time, before February, where I did. When I got bad in January, the process of falling out of love had already begun, because I could not remain loving someone who treated me as less than trash behind closed doors. I had only ever offered my body up to you as a preventative measure, trying to convince myself otherwise. I had fooled myself, and maybe you. I hate myself for it.

And your cruelty has left me wounded in a new way, but rest assured I will heal. I understand that you were already falling for someone else when you broke up with me on my best friends porch. Please understand that I am not an idiot. Please understand that I know the game fairly well that you play. Please understand you are no better than me when it comes to mental health, and no better than your ex's before me when it comes to games.

I am scared to flinch. I am scared to take the steps to trust people. I am scared to reach out, to be honest entirely and wholly. I am scared of the words "I love you" as they fall from my mouth, because what if they are met with the same cruel glare and ice cold, empty touch. There are words, phrases, noises, even songs that set me off. Not like the one before you. No, they set me off in a way that makes me see all the parts of me I am a vividly aware are not perfect. It takes a lot of breathing and a lot of focus to calm me back down and bring me back (on my own, by the way) to Earth where I can see that I am not horrible. That those were volatile lies spread by you and your temper.

I know you spreading lies about my mental health. I have been told by many sources, I have much proof. I know you are spreading lies about how I spoke about others. I hope they know you are not much better than the toxicity you spread with your sharpened tongue.

I am bitter. I expected so much better from you, and instead I was left with regret. But your nature and being that has left me limping has also changed me for the better.

I see that I am good. I see that I am strong, and I will be okay.

I do not know about you, anymore.

Glass Shattered

— The End —