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Rachel Gosby Mar 2022
With my head held high,
Standing up tall as the trees around me.
Pushing throw all of my enemies.
Embarrassing my beauty, because I’m beautiful.
Shaking things up with just one move.
Speaking out for those who can’t speak.
Stepping away from negative people.
Moving past, it all.
Clearing unclear thoughts that’s running through my head.
Achieving greatness even on the hardest day.  
Putting myself first at all times.
Letting great things happen just because.
Appreciating what’s right in front of me.
Moving past, it all.  
Taking my time in all that I do.
Letting the sunshine on me.
Believing in who I am and what I can do even others don’t.
Going after all my dream, not just one.
Not saddle for less even when others want me to.
Moving past, it all.
Living my life like it’s golden.
Thanking God for another day.
When things seem to get you down, remember it’s only for that moment. Pick your head up, and move past it all even when you feel like there’s no fight left in you.
Move past, it all

— The End —