I miss you. It must go unsaid.
I want you. The thought you must dread.
I hurt you. I feel it. I couldn't wait. I put you in a place you didn't want to be.
I hurt me. I said it. The natural flow of what could have been. Is behind me.
No light shines brighter. No soul brings fire. No touch moves me inside. No eyes charm harder. No truth seems truer.
The feeling of utter bliss. When the birds sing. Bodies collide. Breathing you in so I can keep you. I could shower in your scent.
No one has done what you've done to me. I want to hate you. But it was all my fault.
the crazy one. Yes I am to blame. **** me for eating the cake. Just as Eve tasted her apple. Forbidden fruit.
It was you who was forbidden fruit. The dying urge to taste you just wouldn't subside. So I sneaked and I lyed and I fought for my moments. Because in them is all I was and I couldn't watch another pass me by. I seized love locked in time for ever in my heart. I know when you said I was just *** you lied. You had to push me aside. I feel you. You know it. I remeber your words.. I lived by them. They tare me up but keep popping into my mind. I cut you to the core. Your eyes bring back lifetimes of heartbrake and soul shaking love. Come to me my runner. My bride. I just want to shower you with love will everything that I am. No one else will do.
It's long.. Usually not a fan of lengthy but sometimes the words just keep flowing.