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killjoy Aug 2017
Living a Vegan Lifestyle
Must be real nice

But it’s really funny
because poor can’t afford to eat like Vegan
So it’s true, survival of fittest
Cuz if you don’t eat like Vegan,
You need to supplement with other resources
With dying pigs and chickens in
Hell Farm that’s what we call it
We all know about it
They bash in chicks head

But it’s really funny
Cuz even we know about it
It’s hard to change our habit
Despite the obvious animal
Cruelty, amongst everyone
People seem to be against it
It would ruin the fundamental of
Mass production and consumerism,
So the fault is it in all of us

But it’s really funny
Cuz no one want to take the
Blame we shove it in to the
Invisible man’s ideology of our time
So who we ask ourselves
Who’s the culprit and start
Pointing finger to a scapegoat
But we all wear the blame
Literally I’m not kidding

But it’s really funny
No one really seem to care
Too much greater problem
With Global warming and such
All around the world
Give you headache
Just to think about all the horror
Let’s all be vegan, why not?
And save the world by eating healthy

— The End —