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Growly Wolfus Mar 2020
Thy wretched heart be gripped with guilt and pain,
for thou dost not deservest blissful life.
Thine enemies and fears shalt be thy bane
and sendest thee where Satan's demons thrive.
Thou worry not and quash thy thoughts and qualms
with drinks and girls from bars and brothels near.
But for Lord Jesus Christ, they laid down palms
before evil Lucifer didst appear.
So for thee, I now set a fatal trap
in confidence and hopeful, vengeful dream.
I huntest the game I know I will catch,
and conceal myself well lest I be seen.
Preparest thyself for soon unto thee,
I bringest to thou death eternally.

Abhorrent scoundrel!  Wicked man!  Malicious, ghastly beast!
A savage, an iniquitous demon that I hast slain.
Thy blood is shed and thy final vile breath hast been released.
Burn for thy sins!  Behold, I hast paid thee back for my pain.
Growly Wolfus Jul 2019
I shake your hand unwillingly.
I didn't want this to be
the start or end of our newfound friendship.
I'm forcing, pushing myself to do this.
Keep in mind, this is not my kind of bliss.
T'is not cause of you I ran away,
but I just knew I couldn't stay.
I doomed "us" before "we" even started.

"Let's be friends," I'd rehearsed in my head,
not knowing I  would soon be led
by all my faults and hardships.
I feel I will implode
never knowing where else to go.
"I'm an introvert," I'd always say.
This is the excuse I use everyday.
I'm led blindly by my own utter failures.

""It's really not that hard to do,"
I thought whilst running away from you.
Being social is a part of our livelihood.
I've fallen and there's no one to stop me.
I don't matter, so why not flee?
No one will notice that I am gone.
I have no acquaintances to lean on.
Nothing can keep this sea from being parted.

I try my hardest, I try my best
but I'll never get any rest.
Being alone is neither healthy nor good.
I've tried to find some friends online,
but they would go away sometimes.
My time here's waning.  I'm consumed by fear.
There are no friends to save me from here.
They'll never know how much it really hurts.
A depressed introvert's life story.

— The End —