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Mette Kirkegaard Apr 2014
I hang on to this old, broken window sill
Concious of hanging on, just a little bit too tight
With the feeling it only will leave my hands bleeding?
Yet I can't let go, solely out of fright
Have people once again lied, or will I see a light?

Maybe I should have told you off
Better sooner than later - or so they say
I just feel like finally I've had enough
I don't want to go on like this

- Living like a regretful hater

Life should be beautiful, I've been told
The most precious thing to have
But I just don't feel like hanging on
It's no more complicated than that

I have fought with a couragous heart
For what feels like so many centuries now
Never giving it as much as a second thought
Just raging on and waiting for it to play out.

Lately I have had a reason to believe
This problem will never be desolved
You don't have the slightest interest in me
Or what I have to live with

I could have screamed as much as I cried
But I don't want to be of any bother
Yet it would only take one good look at my face
And you would know what I never told you

Kicking and hitting, biting and scratching
Is a fate I would much rather like
Because one thing I will never find by your side
Is a helpful hand and a sound advice
For the journey to find peace of mind.

— The End —