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Artistry Jun 2017
She came into our lives like a tornado.
She flattens and destroys.
Screaming down the love we give.
Filling the house with noise.

Little cherub face masked with angry rage.
What can I this just a phase?

She calls me mommy and I'm not sure what to say.
Is being her mommy supposed to feel this way?

The days drag on and I can't deny.
My heart isn't in this and I'm not sure why.

I read her a book. I brushed her hair. I held her while she cried, but my mind wasn't there.

I held her hand. I cleaned her face. I showed her a cloud. I taught her about space.

I know what it is...I can finally see...

I'm afraid to love her because...

she doesn't belong to me.
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2015
And just like a mason jar
Or a broken car
You threw aside my heart
Like some messed up art

And just like the ocean
Or a dead man's house
My heart is now empty
All the people poured out

You took all my love
And you threw it away
And all I can think is
I wish you had stayed

It's not much your fault
What happened to me.
You're just a child
My heart is the sea.

And I suppose after all
My foster child
You just did as you were told
You just moved on
And there's another foster child come and gone. I'll miss you forever. May God guide your young, childish steps. I will always love you and remember when you were with me.
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2015
Chubby cheeks
Curly hair
Toothless mouth
Erratic laughs
Excited faces
Bright smiles
Little clothes
Funny actions

Can I keep you forever, my foster child?
I don't want you to leave.
Every time I see you, you
To "buggy boy" the foster child we are watching.

— The End —