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another arrow in my back,
I have a quiver full ,
when I meet the enemy at the gate,
relentless, persistent, on my back hate,
right here, right now, they are legion,
don't want to be a member of their club,
embarrassed for them,
that they could stoop so low
deep breath in, belly full,  
release, long and  slow,
got to do a lot more weeding,
it's easier now,
I'm no longer needing,
an earthly love,
hardened fist,
in a velvet glove,
is all I ever got,
my expanding love,
still knows no bounds
trust only God,
a theory most sound.
I don't need affection from his bag of bones
spiritual love is already here
prays, rosaries and self care
no longer seeking no longer believe
I forgive wrong doers,
because I realise love is eternal,
what ever his guile, I've learnt this lesson>
I found Christ
I guess that was the golden prize
this illusion will pass, my spirit will rise.
cry ,one of the two birds that delivers his pleasure,
impossibly, here for sure,nothing is less than nothing,
surmounted, surrounded, captured and grounded,
predated by a whole lot of somethings,
something always there to remind me,
something always there to catch with unsafety net,
something old,
something new,
something borrowed,
something blue.
When Maria Madalena went to the tomb, she was told her Lord was with the living not the dead

— The End —