I tried to show you,
But I think you don’t know
Through my red eyes
You don’t know, I couldn’t tell you
Then like a fragrance on the wind,
Flowers in bloom,
My heart pounds like it’s in a cage
And when I see you, I feel like I may cry
Time passes, sands that standstill
My heart in my throat
I realize what is happening
Something I tried so hard not to let happen
You have become something precious to me
I dream, and it’s of you
Tell me, why do I feel the way I do?
How did this happen, I tried, thought I was careful
Not only for my sake, but yours as well
As I don’t want to be hurt any more than I want to hurt someone
But I fell for you, I did
Why? I could give a thousand reasons, any one would suffice
Then the unexpected, you fell for me
Why? I didn’t plan this, I didn’t see this
Why do I love you? Does it need to be defined?
The only thing that is of note, is that I do; with everything I have.
Why do you love me? Again, it doesn’t require an answer.
It is what it is; you love me, I love you.
We will be together for years,
Loving each other endlessly, unconditionally, forever
Does the question need to be answered – no.
The only answers are to the only questions that mean anything.
Do you love me? Always and Forever.
Will you marry me? Yes, what took you so long?
And do you take me, faults and all, to cherish and love forever as husband and wife?
Which will always be a resounding, “YES”
Sometimes you need to ask why. I was no different. In the end, the question pales in comparison to the answers.