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Tom Richard Mar 2018
A few years ago at some point in a day
I remember sitting on a bay
A bay that was a tank holding fish
So many fish that I wish I had not eaten from my dish

I’ve had my fair share of meat
And I wish that instead I had something made from wheat
I wish I had just ordered garlic bread
Instead of something that was already dead

Every year cows pigs and millions of others
Are taken to the slaughter away from their mothers
Away from their small cages and all that they’ve known
Away from their friends and what they call home

Every year pigs and cows
Are raised to have their necks broken like bows
Why does everyone just this occur
When harmless animals are sent to the slaughter

Why don’t people just go vegan
And help the animals that are gonna get eaten
We need to change from societies meat filled plate
And argue the toss put up a debate

Why don’t we just tell them what it is
Even if some people wanna take the ****
I am a vegan, that’s what it is
I am a vegan, and I am disgusted

I am disgusted that society thinks its okay to eat meat
Something that from birth only gets beat
So instead I eat food made from wheat shred
Because I don’t want to eat something that is already dead

Animal bodies are casted aside into meat pans and fryers
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It is not finger lickin’ good
It’s something that should not have been murdered before its adulthood

Now some people think it’s okay to pay 15 quid
For something that makes me wanna cry and it’s fried squid
Now they might say “I only have it on occasion”
But that squid had a life, plus its Asian
Why not just let them be where they’re meant to next to China
Instead of eating them in some chain restaurant diner

All of these animals are meant to have different life styles
But all it says on the packet is turn on the oven and twist these dials
We need to change what society tells us to eat
And we need to stop eating meat

Because if we don’t change
Then society will stay deranged
I don’t care if you say “but Tom its free range”
Because if you eat meat you don’t use your brain

At least not to its’ full potential anyway
And I hope you at least think about this all day
Because I want you to change you ways
So don’t take the cows away from their grass
And do something other than sitting on your ****

Stop and Think
Before you pick up the milk to take a drink
Because these cows pigs and millions of others
Are raised to be slaughtered and are taken from their mothers
I’m sure if you had a daughter
You wouldn’t want her to be taken to the slaughter
Because these cows, pigs and millions of others
Just remember all of them had mothers.
just felt like writing an empowering poem about the meat industry and veganism

— The End —