Its 2:13am and the walls are getting thin?Your lingering words have slipped on in?"Tell me do you fear death?"??
How long should it linger?
Taken my words and out them through the ringer?
Hey! I'm not dead yet?
BUT! I've got one foot in the gutter?
The others in the grave?
?I used to be so brave?Gaslighted and it took its toll?"Tell me do you fear death?"??
Can you make it go all away?
Can you wash it all away?
In my house of mirrors?I used to be so happy!??
All my rage burns at my finger tips?
All my sadness holds onto my lips?
All my anger that is my greatest sin?
Tell me do you fear death???
How long should it linger…??
How long should it linger?Your words singing on your last breath??
It's 2:13am and the walls are getting thin?Your lingering words have slipped on in?"Tell me do you fear death?"
You have no idea
This was loosely inspired by Jack sparrow and Davey Jones