maybe it really is
as my good friend says teasingly
that I be no good
with kitties n kiddos
“But you are good among them!
There is difference you know
They love to play with what
they recall as one of them”
No offense!
he adds and laughs
I smile - Yeah?
Does he mean ...maybe
These kitties and kiddos
are some sort of teachers?
which I mix up with love?
while they only mean to break
my circle symmetry so I can rise
up a spiraling uncertainty ?
Is that why I fell for Second Law
then crashed ...with the all of me
gorged inside to be scattered outside?
Easy way out I guess
sleeping with books
cheating me
I can read
while asleep
and now
from these times and lines
dunno what really still trails
hopefully a piece of mind
that dares
to question the essence
of the glorious teachers
who illustriously tried to show
a fleshing out truth
of me
it’s no mystic the reply to the question
‘but when do I see?’
one step away lies truth
always in love and made of now
I better be asking… then
when dare you pass?
and stay
and be