sounds my lips around go,
found poetry roadside show,
her mouth had teeth to
bite the air, spout foul
language without a care,
while her dark hair tossed
with her head-felt shouts,
where buses stop,
but not for her,
and she would not stop
her assault on cars that
drove by, leg kicks in the air
while pole dancing at
the bust stop sign, her
mind assaulted and her
body attacked, all that
was out of her reach,
while she was out of her
She does not always have
teeth, she is not always
standing and moving
like she did today, in the
chill of a January 1 air,
she acted like she cared,
that the world neglected
that the world angered
that the world had treated
wrong and not what she
what we saw
she needed, help.
But don't hold out your
hand, offer to help her,
today she has her teeth
in and she will bite.
I don't know her name, or what name she goes by.