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Starfire May 2017
See how the blaze turns red and orange
Flames covering that oh so beautiful house
But what will happen to the people
For I don't know because I was in that house
Trying to save all those people that I don't love

But seeing them made me think of myself

Because they are not the people that that I love
They are mt enemies that I absolutely hate but I'll still save them
Because I can't stand seeing them fiery in that oh so beautiful house
I tried saving them but in the process of saving them I died
While I was in that flickering oh so beautiful house I remembered
That I was the one who caused that fire
Adeline Rueben May 2017
The brief spark instigated the inferno

The blaze lay waste
To a once robust forest
Now a screen of smoke and ash

The smoldering remains
Are now sanctified
Cindered are the ashes

Remnant kindling curves the circle
Set aflame the lone tree
Silenced the witness forever more

— The End —