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"O God, bless our land of Malawi."
a prayer for a warm hearted nation,
the first line that ignited the mind of a
he did a patriotic act, yet lived
Of a beautiful land, of peace, freedom
and unity, he sung
He prayed that our hearts be joined in
combat against fear
Against hunger, disease and envy, he
His words made a home in the heart
of a nation
Fervent and effective, hence peace
This prayer stayed on the lips of the
Called upon mother Malawi to bring
out her best
Of the unsung hero, i write,
Not to praise him but to acknowledge
his role,
The words he wrote on the tablets of
our hearts,
A song he sung to the tune of many
Even if we still sing his song,
Of him a song was never sung
He did a patriotic act but died
Tribute to michael fredrick paul sauka.he wrote the Malawi national anthem but died uncredited.

— The End —