How to describe the era we live in today
one filled with a constant diatribe
of those beliefs that were once treasured
Now it seems the more bellicose one appears
the more they are held in high regard
with those that are voluble taking center stage
Being peaceable is now a quality to endear
with the denunciation of the common good
replaced with boisterous chest beating
Antagonism is the order of the this time
using social media to be pugnacious
and argumentative the norm
One can only shake ones head
to the contriving that has infected our humanity
with machinations too wild to believe
We are besieged by the need to be superior
to the people that share our streets
is this because our voices have been drown out
We vilify those who dare denounce
this way of being with venom
like that of a deadly snake
Hoping to silence those that oppose them
with a tyranny of fake news claims
neither verifiable nor accurate
Into this world our children are being born
what will they learn
that belligerence is the way to get ahead
Pity us all for we will all rue the day
that we collectively chose leaders
who embody these qualities
Andreas SimicĀ©