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Mark Lecuona Mar 2017
The way of your brush
And not anyone else’s
Is like rain that doesn’t think
It falls like the weight of nature
Upon our life without remorse
Or need for our approval
But you act like a student
Thinking of lines that rhyme
Or shadows that compose
Colors of word and sound
Yes that is the way you started
But no longer
Don’t think that way anymore
Don’t think at all
You already know the feeling
It is a test of yourself
Like borrowing money from a friend
They know you're broke
Your word has suddenly become important
They believe in you and it’s up to you now
It may be more than you can handle
You don’t know how you can do it
It is how life explodes through your veins
You don’t think about how you are angry
You just are and it is a world without rules
Being provoked is not impressionistic
It is real without self-consciousness
Hurry, hurry; rush to show us
It will be over soon
You will begin thinking about approval again
That is the mistake of your art
You think about us
Let us think about you
We want to know how angry you are
The honesty of the rain has become you
If only you didn’t worry about the rest of your life
The risk of being a river
Or a lake
Or evaporated
That is your risk
Don’t fix it later
Don’t decide that you didn’t really feel that way
Yes you did


Show me

Just do what you want to do
Chalsey Wilder Mar 2014
I'll feel the same anyway
There's no changing it
I said I'd be polite
That's the best I can do
And I'll tell the truth

You think I'm ******* rude??!
Not your ******* mom and dad
You are a grown *** man
You're my uncle
I didn't go to my mom about this
I came to you!
This **** was between me and you
Not my grandmother or grandfather
If you had a problem with me, don"t go to someone else about it

i don't give a **** if you're mad
Talk to me about it and I'll tell you the ******* truth
I'll be straight up with you

I wasn't being rude when I told you I didn't like you
I gave you obvious hints that I didn't like you
Then I finally tell you, and you're ******* mad?


I didn't realize you'd be so **** childish
You ran to your parents about this
I didn't run to my mom about this
You said to her you got a ******* rude daughter

If you've got something to say to me, ******* say it to my face where I can hear it
Not behind my back
To everyone that's not me
You made the business between you and me everybody in the family business
I knew you'd do this
I ******* knew

How trivial

I know the truth stings
someone once gave me the truth
And it stung like hell

Now I'm dishing it out, and I feel better doing it
Now I know how chyna felt when she told me the truth
But at least she came straight to me about it just like I went straight to him about it

I hate people like that
You'll tell them straight up how you feel about them, but they'll go to someone else about how they feel about it, about you

People need to break the politeness and cut to the chase
If you don't like someone please tell them after confirming that you don't like them
Stop being fake
At least I'm trying to be real
And sometimes I'm scared to be real and honest with someone, because people absolutely hate seeing the truth sometimes

But be honest
Be real

That's what I'm trying to be instead of some fake wanna-be
Talking about my uncle again. But honestly I hate people who do this, I'd rather you be real with me than do some **** like this.
As I say some people are ****** dickfaces

— The End —