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Caroline Dec 2018
Safe inside, I see the landscaper
Planting life, while yours is fading
Lavender, my mother’s gift,
Near the tree he wanted
To dig up and unearth
Innocent sapling
Snug in the soil
Let it take
Root and
Pregnant, carrying a baby I know will die, I watch our garden take shape. I have decided to end my pregnancy early. We're told the Hazel tree in the corner will probably not survive; the rainwater tank will block the tree's roots. Paradoxically I cannot allow the tree to be unearthed.
Caroline Dec 2018
I awaken expecting the familiar dread
But instead I feel you wriggling in my belly
You guide me back to reality;
My heavy limbs resting on the sheets
The morning sun streaming in the window
No worry or fear; no decision to be made
Just the sun’s rays warming my body
And you gently moving,
Leaving this message of clarity and hope.

— The End —