I complete you;
You destroy me.
You lust;
I love.
spatters ofmatters unchanged;
you're cocked
and ready to demise,
gentle words never suffice.
you're the luckiest
faces of the dice;
I am the wrong bet.
you have so much
and want so much more;
when do you stop
keeping score?
Rubbing in failures,
kicks when I'm down,
how long do you think
I will stay around?
this is not a contest!
this is a union,
the snake of unhappiness
writhing between us.
You dont see,
you dont hear,
you dont change.
You will keep killing me here
untill I am gone;
and hoping she
'the one'
will re-appear.
She is dead.
leave her ghost at peace;
you killed her ages ago,
like your now killing me!
the truth is
you lost her
many times already,
and this world
will end for you
without any version of me in it.
So stop.
**** me slowly this time,
please, I cant keep dying
a thousand deaths a day.
fait accompli
/ˌfeɪt əˈkɒmpli,French fɛt akɔ̃pli/
noun: fait accompli; plural noun: faits accomplis
1. a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it.
"the results were presented to shareholders as a fait accompli"
# past uses: an accomplished fact