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Oct 2014 · 442
Soft Cries
He gazed in her direction,
She was dead and he was left alone.
Alone, on this planet without a friend,
a home, and now a mother.
But he could never say these things aloud.
but he yelled them at her in his mind,
And with that silent voice hoarse,
A soft cry pierced his thoughts.
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Red seared my soul and blossomed throughout my body as I first saw you.

Breathing was labored as I remembered I needed to exhale.

White light flashed, I knew you saw into me.

Like no one I'd seen before, both of us transparent we be.
Intertwined while being isolated entities.
Red burst thorough our bodies as I saw into you.

Lust knows not who and not when.
     But connects through the red framed windows of our souls.
Jan 2014 · 530
For Lauren, and Baby
Cradle the child,
Loving arms,
Cast light,
On innocence.

Kept once,
Now graced
With his presence.

Earthly child,
Heavenly father.
Bear no absence.
Love one another.

Having but one,
Means no matter
When the one you have,
Loves forever.
Jan 2014 · 711
On the left, I see the bent frame
Around your face, crooked on the wall.

Turned back right,
A lonely flower
Swayed in a vase, on the cracked windowsill.

We both, seem to see.
The same thing
Each way we look.

So far, I can tell
Being still, is still the wrong direction.

Walk along, walk with me.
We will go until we see a fork again.
Jan 2014 · 456
Up Late Again
Laying in bed.

Four minutes past midnight.

Don’t know anything for sure,

But I **** sure know too much.
Nov 2013 · 797
The Chair
She sat in the corner,
As they sat at the table.
They laughed,
And she could see.

She cried aloud,
Their laughter grew louder,
Hate grew within her,
They had no souls.

She wailed at them,
Screaming when, just when,
would it stop.
Never ,

Because they weren't real,
There was no table.
She sat alone,
With herself.

She gazed past the chair,
That she had forgotten.
Was even there.After she
kicked it, from under her feet.
Nov 2013 · 603
Lull of Burdens
Lull me sleep,
You shadowy hushaby.
Cradle me in the cold.
Stroke my hair, whispers.

Sing to me,
Dark cloud,
Lay me down,
To rest, its coming.

Play for me,
Sweet devil,
Burdens, have their chains.
In time, you tell.

Suffer no more,
My children.
Be at one with the earth.
Down deep, it's gone.
Nov 2013 · 435
Just, Nothingness
I feel four steps,
Down a steep hallways that is six.
With a shadow on my back
and hole in my chest.

Breathing is labored,
Don't care about the dizziness anymore.
Face names no emotion.
Hands don't feel the walls.

As I just stood.
No need to move,
no where to even go.
Just nothingness.

With nothing going right,
and absolutely nothing wrong.
I felt the shame.
Of utter solitude.
Oct 2013 · 420
26 Letters
Isn't it magnificent,
That the purest of joy.
And the most evil of hate.
Are just combinations,
of the same thing

That every good deed,
and every bad.
Has been just a random mix,
of this set?

That every novel,
every conversation,
every poem.
Is just a pattern,
Within a limitation.

That giving thanks
and throwing a curse.
Are only seperated by
a special sequence.
Of the same letters.

Think how a change,
in the blueprints of words
Make them sharp as a knife.
Or warm as an embrace.

Everything is
made with only
26 letters
Oct 2013 · 979
Its No Coincidence
When you lay down
And your phone falls
And literally tackles your face.

I feel as though technology.
Places a point on it side
For us thinking we have controlled
Every advancement.

Its not a coincidence,
Its a slow, groveling battle cry
Oct 2013 · 647
Sadness is Sideways
A lonely flame,
Sang from a corner.
Of a cold house,
Established by hate.

A morose father
A crying child.
Barren mother.
Broken mirror.

Music floated.
In the minds,
Down the lines.
Of their desperation.

Hoping someone.
Could pull.
Or anchor.
Them in place.

Bright light
An open door
Reeping silence
Blackened sky.

Live tonight
Dead tomorrow.
Sorrow is the question.
Rhetorical as the answer.
Every day, I wonder
When can I buy this?
Where can I buy that.
But everyday there are people.
Who have nothing.

I wonder what family members house,
I will go to first this Christmas.
When some people have no family.
No home to go to.

I wonder what nice restaurant I will eat at.
And how good it will taste.
When some people can't remember the last
Thing that they ate.

I worry about how I won't have
anything to wear, with a closet full of clothes.
When some people worry how they will stay warm.
With rags on their back.

When i think of these people.
I'm so grateful for what I have.
When your trash is treasure
And first world problems are actually

Just inconvienent luxries.
Sep 2013 · 410
Form Of Life
That form of life,
That everyone talks about,
That everone wishes they had.
But they dont know how to get it.

We seek, and demand.
But with no avail,
to the World's plans.
Sometimes soultion in one excpetion.

You cant judge,
You may not ask why or how.
Just know it is because it is.
Not for any other reason.

Not because you wished it,
Not because you created it,
Because it was time for it.
And let that be.

Sometimes you don't deserve,
Those things that happen to you.
Whether they be good or bad.
They are just a part of life.

Be at one with your life,
and live it.
Because its the only one you have.
Until you find the other side.
Sep 2013 · 442
Into a dark room,
Sat a man in the corner.
He had his arms crossed over his heart
His hands made into fists.
Sad man,
Alone in the dark.
Stricken with grief.
He mourned, lonely.
No one to call to.
This man,
This lonely man,
Had not a soul.
For comfort.
Suffering man,
Given nothing,
But his edge,
Of prison.
No one,
To join him.
No one to,
Call out to him.
Silently weeping,
Knowing no friends.
He kept his heart,
Until someone could,
Join theirs with his.
Sep 2013 · 684
Swinging from a big branch.
From that tree that was there,
Rope handles, wooden seat.
Feet bare.

I'll push you,
Hold on tight,
Close your eyes,
Sun had shone bright.

Little girl,
Loved swinging,
Smiled beautifully,
Voice singing.

Laugh, and love.
That little girl,
No worries,
She's got the whole world.

But the swing, now old,
And so is she.
Swinging no more,
Living differently.

Still on the branch,
Hung the rope.
With the seat still yearning,
Waiting with hope.
Aug 2013 · 631
Grandfdather Clock
Fulcrum hidden,
Gold tumbling from inside.
Knowledge unfathomable,
To those who only hear.

His cries ring out,
Every year, every hour.
His ticking,
Perpetually, counting down the world.

Into many homes he has been,
He lurks from a corner.
Pleading with his captors.
To put his time to rest.

Plainly through the class,
You can see the old man's face.
Curios children and weary men,
All look at him the same.

Pendulum swinging,
To The pulse of the world.
Can the old man stand the test of time?
Or will his ticking slow?
First thing I have done in a long time, I feel like It is kind of rusty but I have to post it.
Aug 2013 · 408
My Intent
Capture this
Floating in a haze
They only loved you,
For mere seconds.
My intent,
Like silent music
Don't bother thinking,
I had imagined it.
Throwing shadows
It felt like forever,
But it just took me a little time.
May 2013 · 603
Phantom of a Heart
The complaint of the human heart,
A low expression of anguish,
A solemn smile left alone,
The ugliness of this exposure.
Death threatens on the other side
. It haunts the forest,
Doubtful charm, a metallic lustre.
Not capable of sympathy.
A disease of sadness,
Tortured by some black trouble,
A thousand phantoms,
More wretched than his victim,
Gnawed by the deadliest enemy.
Passionelass as he appeared
, A rush of sinfull thoughts expelled.
Throbs of despair,
Feverish in a tide of life.
Everything within its grasp.
Walking in the shadows,
Of a forgotten dream.
An ugly night,
A scarlet token over his heart.
Detecting the gleam,
In the company of devils,
This evil so touched,
forever transigured.
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
Smelling sharp,
Line up in the graveyard.
Throw in your bones.
The pious are the sactified.

Hold the bottle,
Intermittent puddles.
Full of people.
Breathing and suffocating.

Unconvinced thoughts,
Continually misfiring.
That poisonous smell,
That soft ticking.

Pulling me closer,
To the end of the world.
Burn the spires,
Complicated regressions.

Dead mind,
Straight to stone,
Close the door on,
The shadows on the ceiling
Apr 2013 · 567
Drowned Serenity
Drowned Serenity
Came like an ocean to another.
He called out to the other,
As the other called out to him.

As they heard the other ,
They seemed to hear much more,
Sorrow in their waves,
And greif in their hearts.

Salty tears as they tread,
Their treasures burried deep within.
Reflective surfaces hide,
What their souls truly felt.
Mar 2013 · 569
Death Row.
The constant ticking,
Seems to feed off the same pace as my heart.
Nevermore as my heart stops, time will go on.
Walk the halls, ending in doom.

Consequences, ultimate.
I've done my time here,
Now it's time to pay my last due.

Still ticking away my time,
In seconds and minutes.
It keeps going,
No chance at pause.

But will time seem slower?
Will it cease when I do?
Will it keep on speeding,
Or slow down in my absence?

That ticking,
What have I done to hear it?
Will my hourglass turn back over,
Or will it stay on that table?

The time has come,
I can't hear the ticking.
The walk seems longer now,
My life has become this hallway.

Time has slowed to a stop,
The ticking is no more.
But in my omittance,
Father time shall return again.
Mar 2013 · 824
Iron Gates
Beneath the Iron Gates,
A story so dark and twisted.
Never ending tunnels,
Greif hung in the air.

A black curving stony path,
Awakens every sense but sight,
Hear the air around you,
Steady pace, keep on.

Destination unknown,
But the journey,
Strangly is set.
this arbitrary determination.

Bare feet fall,
Upon the cold gems of the earth.
Guide them to the end.
That never will be reached.

What is that in the distance?
Chance of light, I believe.
But will the casted shadows grab you,
Before you make it to the end?

The Reaper stands above you,
But to someones surprise,
To you, He is invisible,
Run. From. This. Place.

Dont. Go. Beneath. The. Iron. Gates.
His black devices,
The victim, forever on the rack.
He could play upon them as he choose
Would they arouse him with a throb of agony?

While thus suffering,
The avenger had devoted himself.
Uprose a grisly phantom,
Not just the external presence, but the very soul.

The great judgement day,
That moment of his ecstasy.
Laid his hand upon his chest,
The profoud depth was remarkable, his spirit now withdrawn.

A dark transfiguration,
Brought them a gloomier hour,
Silence out of the abyss of sadness.
The past is gone, and so am I.

Gone, with the Angel of Death.
Mar 2013 · 606
Distanced Solitary
A lone house,
Safe and sound.
A long dirt road.
But within the walls lies the faults.

No sincere company.
Just the neighbors that pass by.
I the attic.
And see the world from there.

I have this big house,
But i all alone live in the attic.
So little space from the world.
But the distanced greatened by lonliness.

Im cursed i think.
As i see a couple walk along.
I am just like them.
But different.

And the dark devices.
That call to me.
From deep mind.
Tell me im worthless.

But there is still a light.
That i look of.trouble.
And when being alone takes.control.
I seek for.that glowing comfort.

Someday they will appreciate.
All the things Ive done.
I wasnt there to whisper what ypu wanted to hear.
But to.yell out the truths.

I didnt stay because i had to.
I stayed becauseI was scared for you.
My mouth is moving.
But my eyes speak all of the words.

Maybe someone will pass me.
And think that i have value, worth.
But, Until that day.
I will be counting my money alone
Mar 2013 · 727
Monetary Happiness.
Achievement finds himself in the corner.
But at least he finds himself.

Live by your means,
Greedy. thoughts
become corrupt minds.

Paper claiming accomplishments,
Succeeding in acceptance.
Paper burns easily

We all are human.
But America's most wanted?

Can make or break you.
Money dosent cast a strong mold.

Fall from the bottom.
Or the top, you will falter.
But its a shorter drop from the bottom.
Glued in place.
We have all have committed,
This facile crime.
Limits breached,
Time cant be on your side.

Into an effortless sleep.
In the absence of action.
The tides change.
We faltered.
Was there a choice?

You have that shine, potential in the sky.
Opportunities arise during the day.
The moon struggles like the rest of us.
Shadows don't mean as much at night.
But just by witnessing they decay
Mar 2013 · 459
The Stone
Loving words, Don't echo
In hardened hearts.
Hard words will stay
There forever

Shadows only fill.
The very corners.
Things set in stone,
Can be always and never.

On faithful days,
Th sun still shines,
And in fall,
Most leaves will turn.

Winter is,
The coldest time.
But fires
Still will burn.

Fire to water,
Ash to dust.
The wind will lift,
All but your thoughts.

Sirens whisper,
Your name at night.
Of the battle,
That was fought.

The stone,
Ends all.
While on this new dawn,
It embarks.

Love can only be,
This and only this.
A golden light,
In the sad dark.
Mar 2013 · 5.8k
Her world and ours forever turning.
The pretty ballerina inside.
At the lift of a lid.
She slowly opened her eyes.

Oh dear, the music.
Always soft and soothing.
Her graceful look.
Pirohuettes so moving.

Stuck in another world.
Looking in on mine.
She stood the same to every emotion.
Her faith the test of time.

Tiny dancer, sprung to life.
Everytime my box was in use.
She at one with the world.
An invisible truce.

I look past her.
Into the mirror on her wall.
I see my face and I see her dance.
Her body seems so small.

But her world and mine
Are so small.
So we must be alike.
But with no likeness at all.

She always turns her happy face.
She never misses a beat.
Until she finally comes to a stop.
Like how ive come to my defeat.
Mar 2013 · 1.9k
The delicacy of the mind.
Strong impressions.
Vivid images.
Of past regressions.

Benevolent enemies,
Are attentively concluded.
Amidst their repugnance.
Intellect becomes secluded.

Paths of judgement.
Easily twist to falter.
Register atonement.
Evils become softer.

Conveyed assurance,
False sense of civility.
Sober thoughts, drunken words.
Lead to tolerable tranquility.
Mar 2013 · 8.6k
The silhouette,
Of the catalyst,
Cast on a heart.
In the distance.

A soul,
Met another.
On that day.
Catalyst returned.

Sand to shore.
Night and day.
Still together.
Catalyst, a bond.

Bound tightly
Not to be broken
Catalyst is love.
Heed destiny.
Mar 2013 · 643
The Raven's Island
Through a purgatory,
Wooden toys moldering.
Complete the illusion.
Strangely frozen.
Just for a moment.

Empty forest,
Succumbed to death.
The hollows bare.
The Children loiter,
Moonlight streamed in.

A meandering complex,
Darkness lurks.
A hiding place,

The answers,
Fermenting in the dark.
Veins of coal.
Voice of truth.
Fading again.

Words dripping.
Slowly like molasses.
Make out a whisper.
Lungs burst.
A deranged smile.
Mar 2013 · 3.6k
What happened?
When did you die?
A martyr,
Left behind,
To rot.
No praise.

Where have you gone?
Dead as well?
A martyr,
No remebrance,
Dead forever.

Love, love!
I haven't seen you
Did you crumble?
Not dead,
But dying.

In a world where
Abstract hospitals
Don't exist.
And respect for
The dead.
Has died with them.
Mar 2013 · 282
Be One
Be mine, utterly mine.
That we can be one forever.
Because if there is a bond, it can be broken.
But if we are one than nothing can separate us.
All storms will pass in or lives, but hold me,
Until everything has gone,
And I will be yours.
Mar 2013 · 657
There Was a Time.
There was a time,
When I was your and that was everything.
When love conquered all and life was good.

There was a time,
When I was your friend,
And that friendship meant something.

There was a time,
That when I needed you,
I could call, and there you would be.

Now is the time,
Of lost loyalty,
Of mind games and deceit.

Now is the time,
That is the shadows,
of the times that were.
Feb 2013 · 419
Field of Flowers
A field of flowers.
Hues stunning, natural.
The wind sings to them.
Mother nature's song.

Sway in that breeze.
Liberty in the sun.
Alone nevermore.
This field is home to everything.

Have you been there?
To that field of flowers?
To see the colors and
Hear the sirens in the wind?
Feb 2013 · 412
Loving Entities
Down into the soul.
A bond has been created,
And forever will I protect it with my spirit.

I am his, and he is mine.
Loving entities,  and warm hearts.
Shall never die and never know darkness.

Of our minds,
Light in our realities,
A calm whispered in our ears.

But never
Will it be long enough.
For you and I to be as one.
Inspired by Jesus & Brenda ♡
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Those Pearls She Wore
Those pearls she wore.
I adored them so. At night it seemed as though the moon layed in small drops on her neck. She was beautiful, and she was mine.

Those pearls she wore.
They were my gift, and how she treasured them, I her. No amount of joyous words could relate my love of her to you.

Those pearls she wore.
Never grew old as did she. Time went on and she tarnished but her pearls stayed beautiful as ever.

Those pearls she wore.
Will always be with her, as she lays in her everlasting bed. They still look like the moon, she was still beautiful.  But until I lay with her again, alone, I will call her mine.
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Smooth Canvas,
So deceitful so eerily beautiful.
I am what I seem,
nothing more and nothing less.

But what do I see when I stand
in front of that faithful mirror?
Do I see a featureless face,
or do I notice a true being?

The mannequin that I am,
sees a soul in her reflection.
Passerbys see only my offwhite motionless body.
But inside I know what I am.
Feb 2013 · 595
The Ravens Caw
The Ravens caw.
Starry sky.
Black and raw.
Im not a bird but can I fly?
Feb 2013 · 716
The Life of an Endless Day
What good does thought do,
When your mind can't use it?

Time loop,
Repetition, lurking death.

Is my life an endless day?
Or has this day become endlessly my life?

We don't think.
We worry about what we have.

Tine has lost all reality.
But where did it cross the line?
Then the memories
God how they flooded my mind.
Flashbacks of my death.
That girl, myself, a sign?

Our love had fallen apart,
Yes, but I had taken it to its end.
He had harmes me,
But he still wanted to mend.

I no longer could stay in that prison.
Bars made of lies and ice,
Our souls once intertwined,
But mine broken, had spliced.

If he couldn't love me.
He declared that no man could.
He found me brushing my hair,
In the silver of the mirror on the wall of wood.

At mt neck, the knife.
it took its toll.
And my life as well.
Out, poured my soul.

As this last memory passed,
My eyes opened to a beautiful place.
I saw the woman in the clouds,
A beautiful, knowing look upon her face.

Then I knew every secret,
Of my life and my death.
And I went back to save myself,
But brought upon my last breath.

End of the story!! Tel my what you think of them. Should I do more peices like this?

I would love feedback! ♥
Last Installment!!
As she sank to her knees,
Disappeared,  she was gone.
Only a little time spent in this place.
As I welcomed the dawn.

Suddenly I was worried.
Where exactly have I been?
What is this place, what is the time?
Have I sinned, was I forgiven?

Dark forest all around.
Which way have I been running?
Mother Nature's green leaves changing.
Her creations, so cunning.

Who was that woman,
Really who am I?
What has happened to me?
That I no longer see the skies.

As I walk past the water,
My reflection radiant,  in light.
The woman and I were the same
So what really happened tonight?
Number three of four.
My legs took me further,
As my mind began to spin.
I ran through the forest.
The moonlight's cast was dim.

Her beauty took me by suprise.
And her message was so clear.
But the black water between us,
Left me in utter fear.

She then appeared ahead.
As I fell sudddenly to my knees.
She opened her mouth.
And she spoke this to me.

I see your future, your death.
Would you like to know?
She took my silence for agreement.
And took my hand and spoke low.

As she proclaimed my death,
Was ****** by evil force.
The vision stopped and a yell,
her voice hoarse.

She stood straight, but stumbled.
Crimson shades on her pale skin.
A knife had slit her throat.
Her life came to an end.
Sonnet number two of four.
The Raven flew along.
As i tossed in my sleep.
Whispers wove around my mind.
The souls and demons meet.

I was walking some place.
I know it, but again I dont recognize.
I saw the moon but i didnt.
I saw everything with different eyes.

The season changed before me.
As i settled down to sleep.
A cool wind carressed me.
I prayed my soul to keep.

A sudden fear awoke me.
No other feeling compared.
I saw her lay upon me.
Her naked body white and bare.

She looked to be an angel.
And her long black hair in a bow.
The contrast so sharp in my mind.
Black petals in the white snow.

She opened her eyes.
And said a simple run.
I felt a sudden rush of light.
But this journey had yet begun.

This is a throw back but I wrote two more sonnets to match the first two so let me know what you think of them.
Number one of a story told in 4 sonnets.
Feb 2013 · 640
Masked Men
Why are masked men complex.
And those with a face so simple.
Why are the young enlightened,
And the old weary.
Are we pons in a lost game?
At the expense of an arbitrary universe?
Is time really here?
Or are we organized with nothingness.

What am I, and who are you meant to be?
Is anything meaningful....
Does everything have a purpose?
Are we the beaten and the ******?
Or the other's savior.
Will there ever be answer?
Or just a question to quiet our minds?
Feb 2013 · 399
Fumbling with his twisted hands.

Vouch for his illness.

If anyone approaches you.

Turn to one of the beginnings,
A sign of unity.
Leave everyone behind.
Take a deep breath.

They're decayed now.


We're breathing the same air.
Feb 2013 · 690
Meandering Barren Halls
A boy with no mirror,
Is on edge with reflective curiosity.
His mind wanders the line of
Genius and reality.

Poor boy in the universe,
Meandering its barren halls.
He sees no answer to his questions,
But the wrong ones, he asked them all.

Strength in thought.
Stammer only in explanation.
Intellect so unique,
Loneliness an inevitable realization.

But that sad boy,
Surely will turn into a man.
He will stop searching for the why
and start declaring he can.
For Josh,
Let him find his way.
Feb 2013 · 763
Solidifies in a wandering mind.
Firewalls built with faltering bricks.
Drown  within dry thoughts.

Pressure dissolves without an atmosphere.
Stars don't show through thick air.
Greedy hands cant grab free things.

Able to live through hell,
But paradise is barren.
Shadows cant chase you in the pitch of night.
Feb 2013 · 511
What Sun Has Been Shining?
Ash in the sky,
See no reflection in the water.
What sun has been shining?
This island, shes deceiving.
A long time ago,
The raging tempest
Left me here.
Now all I know is no one.
Her graces must be,
The only ones that exist.

And in this absence expense,
cascades of escape romance
away the real, and lull to wishing
tryst with island, sky and I.
Boiling breeze licks needs deep.
Can this, her graces kiss,
truly be all I want?
When wanting, to her
beaches bossum leads?

Years may have passed.
It might have just been a lone hour.
But Calypso's grasp
Held tight, vice unmoved.
Her devices never left my memory.
Time means nothing,
When engulfed in graces.
Sated by another,
Quenched by the sea.
She and I seemed as one.
But I won't forget
That storm,
Though the eye is calm.
Her wild winds carried me home.
Clearly my lover stands,
Grains of sand, golden she is.

I remember that tempest now
likened to my first steps as babe.
pitter pat of falling rain drops raw.
Kind caressed all but island lover gone.
So here we lay,
hand in sand
in happy
to cast away.......

— The End —