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 Apr 2014 bxtch
cherished kisses,
romanticized problems,
memorable episodes,
of lost self control.

holy spirit,
of greatness.

embrace me,
with your words,
of sweetness.
 Apr 2014 bxtch
Jessica Leigh
dear god help her
she cant find legs
and she cant find any sound
the world has shut her out
what is she to do
when theyve stripped
her of all she loves

someone save her
im watching
from the sidelines
and im surrounded by
this thick glass
and there is no where
to go
so i watch her struggle
and for once
i can feel the tears
on my cheeks

stop stepping on her bones
they were fragile
back when i got the chance
to handle them
between the dark nights
and the tired days
she never let me
hold them for more
than an hour
but you've had them
for far too long
and im afraid of
your damage

cant you see what
you have done to her
shes been brainwashed
and beaten by them
and all you do is
watch behind this glass
you could have
stopped this
saved her the trouble
i could have

but i didnt
 Mar 2014 bxtch
Kyleigh Anne
Three years ago today,
you asked me to be your girl.
To take your hand and disappear to a far away land.
For a year I felt mad love for you.
The second year had its ups and downs.
Then there were the real downs.
You cheated on me.
My fairy-tale turned into a nightmare.
My prince charming into a monsterous demon.
and now, on this day, I'm reminded of all the time I put into this.
Every inch of my love went to you over two years just to be cheated on while working towards the third.
I thought our love could get through everything,
I'm scared it's not strong enough for this.
Because it's only love coming from one of us now, my heart is cold.
Love is not beating through my veins.
Sadly, March 28th is now just a normal day for me.
 Mar 2014 bxtch
Mystery Girl
Save Me
 Mar 2014 bxtch
Mystery Girl
You've read it all before
Said you'd be there
But when I quit
It's like you vanished
You'll probably read this
I don't care anymore
No one really sees it
What's right in your faces
The cries for help
And tears spilled
Every suicidal thought
That runs in my head
Maybe you think
It's just how I write
But I write my heart
And it's crying out
Has been for a long time
Just no one hears it
The silent sobbing
Hidden away from public
My heart cries out
Save me
Don't go
Just try
Try to save me
 Mar 2014 bxtch
Mystery Girl
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday dear Mystery
Happy Birthday to me
Finally turned eighteen
Let's light some candles
And I'll make a wish
On the count of three
*I wish I had never been born
 Mar 2014 bxtch
you would've been 59 today
I wish I could have seen your face
it's so sad you passed away
quite long ago
but your memory
it lives on
through me
through your poetry
you were a true artist
I admire that
you were
and always
will be
a talent
I love you, auntie.

— The End —