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May 2014 · 214
pluie d'été May 2014
you are like the song
i keep replaying
and can't stop
the words too precious
too fall from my lips

so i hum them
the way the rain did
above us
that one day
and i smile
when people ask
what i'm singing
because i don't think
they'll ever know
May 2014 · 194
hello again
pluie d'été May 2014
if i could say goodbye again
i would
do it differently

i would
bow down in front of you
because now i know
so much
because of the heartbreak
you caused

i would kiss your hand
as the sun set
and the moon rose
and i would slip away
before you woke
(even though i was drawn to you
when you were asleep)

i would
still write you
that letter
you got after you swore
never to want me again
but i would have
at the end
instead of letting the word
die on my lips
too weak to make it
onto the page

so that we could have never
said hello
so soon
May 2014 · 156
pluie d'été May 2014
sometimes i can breathe
in the dead of night
without you
beside me
and it makes me feel
so proud
May 2014 · 2.8k
pluie d'été May 2014
i say
that you are like the sunset

you think that i say it
because you're beautiful
but it's because

you're always saying
May 2014 · 456
spinning top
pluie d'été May 2014
my heart keeps
on the open palm of your hand
like a spinning top
and it keeps catching
on the ridges
of your fingerprints
whenever you let me
slip away
to catch me
Apr 2014 · 236
pluie d'été Apr 2014
it is easy for you to lose me
when you have never had me
Apr 2014 · 288
It's Hard To Breathe
pluie d'été Apr 2014
it's hard to breathe
for her

the pen in her hand
is leaking
staining her fingertips
deep blue
becoming smeared
across the empty

the scratches
aren't forming
or even letters

and her tears
are becoming sobs
until she has to hold her mouth shut
with one hand
and her eyes
with the others

of her soul
a part of the ocean
mixing with the words
she wants to say
painting her
the way he did
in the stillness

glass jars
at her feet
with one sweep
dried flowers
with water
racing towards
the door
that will be shut
Apr 2014 · 606
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i keep finding myself
wanting to be drowning in your eyes
and then i remember
that i have forgotten
the sound of your voice

why was it
so much easier
to memorize your smile
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
To Be A Writer
pluie d'été Apr 2014
to be a writer
smother your
racing thoughts
until they break through
their breath
unable to be extinguished
by your doubting fear

to be a writer
is to stay awake
until the sun starts
breaking apart the darkness
at the edge
of the earth's seam
with an full page
of words
that you won't be able to read
when you wake up
at noon

to be a writer
is to think
not only for yourself
but for every character
locked in your soul
trying to reach out
for their thoughts
and words
to stretch across
the lined

to be a writer
is to think
for everyone else
you know
and form thought bubbles
and back stories
for the strangers
you meet on the street

to be a writer
is to see the beautiful
in the ugly
and the ugly
in the beautiful

to be a writer
is to become hypnotized
by the parts
of the people
we smile at
their eyes
the way their fingertips
trace the rim
of their coffee cup

to be a writer
is to dream
and remember
to dream
and forget
we meant to say

to be a writer
is to read
a billion words
of a million
to memorize
the curve
of the pen in a sentence
the neat font
in a book
so much emptiness
that it fills you

to be a writer
is to choose to drown
in doubt
because all the stories
you read
and right-
even if they aren't
real life-
aren't always nice

to be a writer
is to love words
and to hate them
love him
or her
and to hate
or her
found in seperate others
a cycle
of their ghosts
haunting us
like the time
slipping away
too fast

to be a writer
is to choose drowning
over living
just to see
the sunlight
flickering through the waves
and feel how the shadows
it's absence feels across your skin

to be a writer
is to always begin
but sometimes
leave the end
pluie d'été Apr 2014
there was a storm
one day, in the middle of spring
it fell from the sky
to reach the warmth
beneath him
like a race
against the sea

it fell pirouetting
in the wind
sent by the stars
to make themselves fall
for him to make a wish
to keep a secret
to come true

and they drove everyone
far and near
away from the sound
of a billion memories
locked in the glass
of the still sea

they fell across
the trees
that were bent from the weight of the words
waiting to be wept
by the sharpest sword
clutched in his aching

his left hand
fingers entwined
around the hilt
over a wanting page

as the rain fell
staining his skin
with the absence of the sun
the absence of the moon
the absence of his heart

had he wished
so long ago
for his heart to depart
he would still have his soul
to lose to the silence
beneath the waves
beneath the fingertips
grazing the silk of his lover

by her widest eyes
staring at the tattoo
on his skin
from the skies
by a thousand falling stars
a thousand wishes
that were too cold
and too visible
to come true
Apr 2014 · 507
pluie d'été Apr 2014
she's a terrible
writing letters
to put in long
brown paper envelopes
to say goodbye
Apr 2014 · 185
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i keep whispering
your name to the sky
and all it does
is weep
and turn grey
and blue
and black
like my heart
Apr 2014 · 391
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the triumphant
and rises
at once

the knowledge
of the moon's
Apr 2014 · 217
the end
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I have been writing a story
And I know the end
But I can’t write it
Because he dies
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
pluie d'été Apr 2014
The petals fell
And turned pink
Against the white
As if they were ashamed
Of blending in
With something stationary
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I usually write
To breathe
But I can’t

Do I need a muse
A man
Who makes me
With heady phrases
And kisses
Against my wrist
Or a brilliant
That sweeps against me
Like a monsoon
Or a flower
Whose petals
Are breaking
And blowing in the wind
Or a sadness
Like winter

I miss you
Apr 2014 · 419
pluie d'été Apr 2014
My keyboard
Makes sounds
Like a piano
In the evening
Spilling the sky’s
Onto white pages
That all look the same
In the beginning

I would stand
On the railroad tracks

If it meant
That I could feel
Apr 2014 · 36.7k
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the old people
the young people
to never
trust someone who lies
or who talks badly
about someone
that they love
or barely know
but the young people
never listened
and now
they don't trust
Apr 2014 · 208
I am
pluie d'été Apr 2014
there were lights
hanging over the horizon
they were on a hill
but i couldn't see the hill
because of the mist
and the smoke
from a thousand cigarettes

it looked like the lights
were floating
and the idea
that they were
made me terrified

i am afraid
of the things
that hang in the air
like your words
Apr 2014 · 194
pluie d'été Apr 2014
thank god
you're not with me

thank god
i'm not drunk enough
to text you
Apr 2014 · 173
pluie d'été Apr 2014
a beautiful word
a sad word
an honest word
the biggest lie
Apr 2014 · 331
Forgive Me
pluie d'été Apr 2014
there should be
a cure
for loving you

but there

only sadness
and longing
so loud
like the strums
of a guitar
next to
the quietest setting sun

can't you
forgive me
the way i could have
forgiven you?
Apr 2014 · 133
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i have run out of words
to say
Apr 2014 · 482
bring me nearer
pluie d'été Apr 2014
your fingerprints
stain my jaw

watch me stumble
and fall
my words
and still

i can't make myself
the things i want to

take me back
twirl my waist
in your hands
watch my eyes

become hypnotized
by the curve
of my smile
and wrap your hands
in my hair
as you bring me
Apr 2014 · 121
pluie d'été Apr 2014
If we were a Dream
And you were a Liar
What would that make me?
Apr 2014 · 210
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i pretend
that the wine
is your lips
and i still
can't get enough
Apr 2014 · 187
Did You
pluie d'été Apr 2014
did you
remember how my lips
the way i memorized your eyes?
Apr 2014 · 195
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the stars
keep breaking in your eyes

you are the only one
who can save me
Apr 2014 · 190
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I said no
And you're still not listening
To anything
I say
Apr 2014 · 194
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I had a dream about you
And it was laced with regret

You came back to me
With a smile
And questioning eyes
Who had I become?

You hold my hand
To your lips
And I'm not sure
What I feel
Apr 2014 · 159
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I always wonder
If I am missing you
Or if my heart
Is really in your chest
As well
And I'm just missing that
Apr 2014 · 787
pluie d'été Apr 2014
disappointed eyes
hand pushing a jaw

it's not something i want to see
and i never asked you
to love me

wear a blindfold
so i can't see
watching me
echoing your unwavering

anger comes later
i know
i would read the lines
of your scowl
if i was brave enough
to see what they wrote

your gaze
will move away
at any moment
after you tell me
everything you hate
and i will be okay
and you will stop missing me
Apr 2014 · 306
The Traveller
pluie d'été Apr 2014
there was a man
who swore
to be searching
for a god

he searched the sky
and found only clouds
and stars
and the sun
further and closer
until his eyes
scarred glass

he searched the sea
counted over a billion waves
or one
that kept forming
on the same shore
and felt the fish
slip through his fingers
like the water they breathed
on his tongue

he searched the forests
and read the letters
the bareness of winter
and the green of summer
wrote to the clouds
before every storm
and felt the fur
warm his fingers
like the gold
falling from the shadows
he swept away

he searched the desert
for the elusive
and found water
in the blue expanse
staining the horizon
(the sky must be a part
of the desert
if it's above it)
and felt the hiss
of time racing
pierce into the place between his thumb
and his hand

he searched the rivers
of every continent
diving deep
walking through
the sapphire
the grey
the brown
collecting water lilies
that smelled like the sea
in spring
and whispered secrets
like the wind

he searched the roads
and found the cities
connected by the smooth
by crouching
and running his hand along it
writing messages
in the dust
and the snow
and the sunlight
for every blind man
to 'see'

he searched the cities
and found people
with staring eyes
blank eyes
cold eyes
empty eyes
eyes filling
with tears
or happiness
that looked up
or down
(never in front
or behind)
wearing colours
underneath the boxes
they were in
and in the end
he searched the libraries
for books
but found words
Apr 2014 · 241
pluie d'été Apr 2014
you roll up
the stars
of the night sky
and look surprised
when you can't see them
through the smoke
Apr 2014 · 684
every time
pluie d'été Apr 2014
please don't
press me
to your chest again
my cheek
get's a stain
that leaks into my heart
and makes me miss you
a little bit more
every time
Apr 2014 · 186
pluie d'été Apr 2014
You had me
At hello
And I thought that I would have you
At good bye
I would have never made you leave
Apr 2014 · 189
pluie d'été Apr 2014
what if the words
we really need
to read
are in a language
we don't understand
Apr 2014 · 427
pluie d'été Apr 2014
wrinkled hands
with their pressing fingerprints
stain our eyes

is not good
is not bad
and war
must really mean
because that is all
we are fighting for
Apr 2014 · 821
pluie d'été Apr 2014
how can something
as delicate as lace
be so rough
in his hands?
Apr 2014 · 272
pluie d'été Apr 2014
her eyes
are blurring
her words
with alcohol

"people are like drums;
the emptiest ones
make the most noise
while the ones
who are silent
are so filled with thoughts
that they have nothing
to say"
Apr 2014 · 197
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the sunlight
ignites your eyes
and the only thing that i can do
is look away
Apr 2014 · 240
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i would rather
you **** me
than make love to me
it has to hurt
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
pluie d'été Apr 2014
sunlight staining
the windowpanes
casting cool gold
through the shutters
your hands
slipping across
my rib cage
i wish
they were warm
Apr 2014 · 555
pluie d'été Apr 2014
he asked me
if i missed you
and i couldn't
get the words to form
on my lips
Apr 2014 · 368
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i need the windows
to be able to breathe
Apr 2014 · 704
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I am running out of excuses
Of why I want to be alone
Apr 2014 · 747
Please Let Me Slip Away
pluie d'été Apr 2014
Let me slip away
Without a fuss

Don't keep asking me
What 'fine' means
Don't ask me to stay
Or come

Let me slip away
Without a fuss

Let it be okay
When I say
'I want to be on my own
Don't make
Decisions for me
I'm not too sad
Too be alone

Let me slip away
Without a fuss

I don't want to tell you
What I mean by being
I don't want to have to lie
And tell  you that nothing is wrong

Let me slip away
Without a fuss

You need to fight for the
Right girl to stay
But it's not me

Let me
Slip away
Apr 2014 · 246
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the bareness of your hands
like winter
stand out in the summer

just take me
Apr 2014 · 192
pluie d'été Apr 2014
Tell me again
How we are all
So empty
Like the sky
When all I do
Is stop myself
From revealing
All of myself
To you
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
pluie d'été Apr 2014
What if the Moon was a Triangle
The Sun was a Heart
The Stars were Circles
The Earth was an Oval
And We were all Rectangles
Unable to figure out
How to hold Each Other
Without becoming Squares
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