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summer May 2016
I'm gonna pick up the pieces
And build a Lego house
If things go wrong we can knock it down
My three words have two meanings
There's one thing on my mind
It's all for you

And it's dark in a cold December
But I've got you to keep me warm
And if you're broken I'll mend you
And keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And out of all these things I've done
I think I love you better now
I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
I'll do it all for you in time
And out of all these things I've done
I think I love you better now

I'm gonna paint you by numbers
And colour you in
If things go right we can frame it and put you on a wall
And it's so hard to say it but I've been here before
Now I'll surrender up my heart
And swap it for yours

Don't hold me down
I think my braces are breaking and it's more than I can take

**i don't own this
May 2016 · 101
summer May 2016
i said that i'm fine,
but your the only one to know i lied,
i want to go back to the day we fell in love,
there's no chance we can work it out,
if i was gonna go somewhere,
i would be there by now,
and maybe i could let myself down,
i gotta keep my feet on the ground,
keep looking around to make sure i'm not the only one to feel alone.
May 2016 · 137
SaY iT
summer May 2016
say it

the words

let them out

just say it

tell me

i will listen


i'm not scared

and you shouldn't be either

i have you


you got me

and that's all we need
May 2016 · 168
Her Disappearing Act
summer May 2016
she was here a moment ago,
i messaged her,
she replied,
she was happy,
i thought,
i saw her yesterday,
she was fine,
on the outside,
i guess she wasn't,
she is gone now,
no where to be seen,
i tried ringing her,
but it went straight to her voicemail,
'sorry i couldn't get to the ph-'
i hang up every time,
she is gone,
and i could have made her stay,
i can't find her,
and i have been looking for ages,
the parks,
the shops,
my place,
her house,
she is no where,
i can't find her,
she is gone forever.
May 2016 · 160
Lost & Found
summer May 2016
you had me,
we were happy,
i thought,
but i was wrong,
always am.

you walked away,
left me,
almost nowhere,
i was hoping you would come back for me,
if you never came back,
i'd need someone who deserved me.

just like lost & found,
i waited for you to come back for me,
but you took too long,
and now someone has got me.

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May 2016 · 187
summer May 2016
let's take us to the edge,
test our limits,
you push me,
and i pull you,
back to me,
i love you,
but i need you,
and your not here,
you're somewhere,
not here though,
i need you,
i love you,
i want you,
to need me,
want me,
love me,
May 2016 · 132
This Is For You
summer May 2016
you light me up inside,
you here and you tried,
you make me smile,
stay for a while,
wrap your arms around me,
carve our names into a tree,
let take a bubble bath,
walk some where and create our ow path,
tell me i'm pretty enough,
don't walk away and don't bluff,
tell me you love me all the time,
all i need is for this to rhyme,
to get the point across,
because i don't want to feel lost,
maybe you will know it's about you,
i mean everything because it's all true,
you're so beautiful,
i love to talk you like usual,
i know i want us,
and i know it's about the trust,
i think i like like you a lot,
my heart jumps when you talk to me like i have been shot,
anyway here you go,
now you know.
May 2016 · 181
A Question
summer May 2016
a question in the back of my mind,
i can't help but come back to it every night,
your name forever stay on the tip of my tongue,
we are here in the present and we are young,
a question that could determine something,
something that could last as long as the length of string,
i will always think about it and what would you say,
i don't want you to leave, so please stay,
a question i will never let go of,
even if i loose it all, i need your love,
i need to know what you think about me,
i want to know if we are meant to be.
May 2016 · 315
summer May 2016
we can watch the re-runs on tv,
buy all the seasons,
and watch the whole entire series,
and not even pay attention.

we could drive around town,
sit in the car with the radio up loud,
and watch the sunrise,
and not even have a care in the world.

we could joke around for a lifetime,
the puns and inside joke are endless,
and i would still laugh at 'em all,
and not even have to feel like i have to hide myself.
May 2016 · 777
Maybe One Day...
summer May 2016
What do I have to do to get you to notice me?
Change my hair, the way I walk.
My clothes, the way I talk.
We've known each other for some time now
yet I'm still invisible to you.
My feelings run deep and how
I wish you only knew.
I see your face every time I close my eyes
To me you just seem so different from the other guys.
To you I'm just a friend
Nothing more, nothing less
I settle for friendship in the end
Because I don't want to make a mess.
Instead I'll keep my secret to myself
And take my pride back off the shelf.
Until one day you finally see
That you and I were meant to be.
I'll wait for now but not too long
Because sooner or later I'll be gone.
So when will you notice me?
May 2016 · 294
Freind Zone
summer May 2016
i don't get it,
every time i you,
i just want to smile,
i try not to stare,
because it's rude,
but i just want to look at you.

i don't want things to change,
our friendship,
it almost did at one stage,
i'm sorry for that,
from now on i will only give off the vibe i want to be friends,
i will tell you and everyone else i just want to be your friend,

even if it kills me inside when we're not talking,
when i see you with another girl,
having fun,
it kills me to know that you don't like me that way,
and there's nothing i can do,
but i like you anyway.

so now i guess,
is the time to tell you i like you,
more than a friend,
but it doesn't matter anyway,
because you still prefer her,
over me any day.
May 2016 · 145
Press Play
summer May 2016
on all our memories,
on the good times,
and with it,
that bad too.

Press play,
and let's remember the feelings you gave me,
those bubbly,
school girl idea's of love.

Press play,
and remember what you said to me,
the promises,
the words i believed.

Press play,
and forget about the present,
look into the past,
let's live in the past.
May 2016 · 245
To You, From Me
summer May 2016
Would you care if we quit talking
Would you care if I went walking
I need to know how you feel
So I know how to deal
I like it when your by my side
I hate it when you try to hide
All the cheating and the lies
Brings me one step closer to saying goodbye
I know the cheating is a fact
because they caught you in the act
I wish I had more trust in you
but it's kinda hard when they busted you
Seems to me you wouldn't care
even if I wasn't there
I always wonder who your with
hoping it's not another chick
I'm not saying I don't believe you
it's just too many people have told me to leave you
But you are everything to me
which is why I want you me to always be
Believing you may be a mistake
but it's a risk I'm willing to take
I really like you, always know I do
and remember there will always be a me and you.
May 2016 · 212
Vacant Spaces
summer May 2016
End it all with one simple sentence,
a few words that will echo for years to come,
in the dark nights spent alone watching the clouds hide the stars,
end it all for the sake of ending it.

Take away her happiness with a lie,
give her false hope mixed with the desperation of something else,
in the moments between the silence and the sound where the somehow co-exist,
Take away her happiness without caring.

Break the promises that meant the world to her,
all the push and pull motions becoming to familiar to let go of,
in the grey clouds hidden behind the blue skies and the strikes of sunlight,
Break the promises that you knew you were never gonna keep.
May 2016 · 228
summer May 2016
the worst part is,
the lies,
those words,
that i know are wrong in my mind,
but i believe them anyway.

i am over it,
over you,
make up excuses,
it wasn't you,

i don't understand,
what i did to deserve this,
i haven't lied to you,
or cheated,
i haven't done anything.

i guess i should be honest with you,
i don't love you,
i like you,
a lot,
but i don't love you.

the worst part is,
you tell me you love me,
want to be with me for a while,
but you do everything in your power to loose me,
you don't love me because why would you do this to me?
Apr 2016 · 150
I Know
summer Apr 2016
Apr 2016 · 253
summer Apr 2016
I risked everything to be with you,
Gave it all up,
Because of that stupid promise,
Me and you.

I let it all behind,
Perfectly cut off,
My past life in gone,
Because it was you I had to find.

But now I know,
I never cared about your opinion,
Or the words you spoke,
I knew it but I was too slow.

It I loose it at least I will be free,
Struggling against the currents,
You think that I am inferior
Desperate to leave.
summer Apr 2016
When someone asks me,
If I am in love,
I want to say no.

Because saying yes,
Will be more painful,
For me to say.

When I walk down the street,
I want to feel free from love,
I want to let go.

When I was younger all I wanted was love,
But I was naïve and fell for you,
And your lies.

I read those fairytale endings,
Where the princess’s met their prince,
And lived happily ever after.

I wanted that,
That’s all I ever wanted,
That one thing.

But in this world,
You cannot ask for something,
Without getting something in return.


You were soo nice to me at the start,
You didn’t want much,
But then you started to lie.

And I believed you,
I don’t know why.

I hated myself,
Whenever you hit me,
Because it was all my fault.

Too late for it now,
Sorry wasn’t an answer,
All I wanted to was to be in love.
Apr 2016 · 253
I Have been Thinking
summer Apr 2016
I have been thinking lately,
About you

About what would happen
If I let us

If I let you into my world,
And show you things
That I keep

Maybe it’s stupid,
You and

Maybe I am over-reacting when I say,
That I can’t be near you anymore,
Because it’s hurts me too

But one thing I know for sure is
Without you,
I am lost.

And without your eyes to keep me sane,
I am just another insane teenage
Girl who looks desperate,
Who needs someone,
To love her

I have been thinking lately,
How I was going to say
This to you when
I got the

I love you and I will admit that
But I can’t love you anymore
Because I don’t want to
Love you at all
I didn’t want
To fall in
Apr 2016 · 150
summer Apr 2016
she picked up a stone,
threw it into the water,
and waited for it.

she sat on the rocks,
time went slower today,
she waited for it.

she knew it would float,
it would come back up for air,
but it never did.

she realised something,
she was the one to sit alone,
the rock who was lost.

she needed to breathe,
but she couldn't anymore,
the water had come.
Apr 2016 · 272
Don't Bother
summer Apr 2016
i see you,
i smile.

every time,
i hear your name,
i get butterflies.

every time,
i am near you,
i can't speak.

every time,
we touch accidentally,
you feel the electricity.

every time,
i see you,
my heart breaks.

every time,
we talk,
my heart breaks.

every time,
i need you,
you're not there.

every time,
every single time,
i will never have you.

enjoy your time alone,
lonely while you **** the *****,
all those ****** who only want one thing,
and are gone.

you don't need to bother about wether or not i am going to find out,
to guess your lies,
because i am gone.
Apr 2016 · 265
Every Time
summer Apr 2016
i see you,
i smile.

every time,
i hear your name,
i get butterflies.

every time,
i am near you,
i can't speak.

every time,
we touch accidentally,
you feel the electricity.

every time,
i see you,
my heart breaks.

every time,
we talk,
my heart breaks.

every time,
i need you,
you're not there.

every time,
every single time,
i will never have you.
Apr 2016 · 224
His Eyes Inspired Me
summer Apr 2016
I see the way you look at her,
as she enters the room,
everything goes quiet as you watch her walk in,
you can only hear your heart beat,
in you ears.

I know the feeling you get when she looks at you,
a moment longer than expected,
the feelings come bubbling through your chest,
you get a tingly feeling in your heart,
you need her touch to reassure you she is real.

I understand why you're soo quiet,
afraid you will ruin the serenity,
afraid to lose the only thing you love,
afraid you will lose her forever,
and never get her back.

I see the you eyes sparkle,
every time she smiles,
every time she laughs,
the whole time you are watching her from a safe distance,
i know
because it's
how i feel every
single time i see you.
Apr 2016 · 370
summer Apr 2016
the stories
you and that
other girl about
what you two have
done in a dark room with
a few too many drinks in your
system and few too many regrets
in your head and about the things you
promised her but you couldn't deliver because
you were weak and you didn't really mean it when
you promised her the world or all the money or all your
love you couldn't keep one single promise to a girl who was
so in love with you a girl who stopped her life to be with you and
she gave up everything her job her family her friends to be with you and
you couldn't keep one single promise why did you make those promises then
to break her heart watch her crumble in front of you so you can enjoy the pain you
made her feel as you watch her heart split into two and watch the pieces get lost in transition
you didn't loved her you need to admit you that you played her like an instrument.
summer Apr 2016
i am scared,
i want to be his friend,
only his friend,
but i think i am starting to feel something more,

i don't want things to change,
so you aren't going to know this poem exists,
you're not going to read it,
but then i know you,
you will read it.

i am sorry,
i swear i just wanted tone your friend,
and it's not often i fall for someone,
and i am sorry it had to be you,
i am sorry am falling in love.

i don't want to lose you,
i want us to be okay,
i am sorry,
i am falling in love,
but i am only falling.
Apr 2016 · 327
I Don't Love Him
summer Apr 2016
but he makes my heart race,

i don't love him,

But he knows what to say,

i don't love him,

and he knows me well enough,

i don't love him,

and he doesn't lie to me,

i n't love him,

but i need him,

and i need his touch,

but i know i will never have it,


because he is that sort of guy,

he will never love me,

the way i need,

or want,

but i don't love him,

yet i want him soo bad,

but this isn't love,

i know what love is,

this isn't love.
Apr 2016 · 304
summer Apr 2016
i'm gonna make them boys build me castle made of pure innocence.
i'm gonna watch them build it and suffer under the weight of the pressure.
the pressure to be perfect.
all the time.
build the castle,
it's gotta be perfect.
because it it's not i swear...

i'm gonna sit in the castle and stare at the wall in front of me while they gossip and tell what not to do.
don't stare.

i'm gonna sit in the castle and day dream about the but's and the what if's and everything in-between.
don't do that.

i'm gonna sit in the throne,
i'm gonna kept my pretty mouth shut.
i'm gonna let them talk all they want.
i'm gonna be the stone cold queen the wanted.
i honestly don't know if this poem is good or what. it's all over the place.
Apr 2016 · 619
Let's Go To The Movies
summer Apr 2016
and order some popcorn,
with some pepsi.

let's go to the movies,
and sit on the middle of somewhere at the back.

let's go to the movies,
and throw popcorn at each other and pretend to be mad.

let's go to the movies,
and hold hands.

let's go to the movies,
and whispers cheesy pick up lines to each other in the dark.

let's go to the movies,
and see what happens.
Apr 2016 · 107
summer Apr 2016
you give me goosebumps,
when we talk,
you make me feel alive,
all the time,
i think of you,
i can't help it,
but think of what you are doing right now,
the thoughts make my heart race,
i want you to be happy,
i promise,
i will give you happiness,
my happiness,
as along as you're happy.
Apr 2016 · 396
Wrong Way
summer Apr 2016
don't choose him,

don't take him hand,
stop flirting.

it's a bad idea,
he will break you heart,

stop it,
stop touching his arm,

he is the bad kind,
you know it,

don't do it,
don't follow him,

go the other direction,
your going the wrong way,

come back,
don't do it,

come back,
Apr 2016 · 153
I Need This
summer Apr 2016
his hands on my body,
his lips on my neck,
his eyes watching me,
i love him soo much,
i want more,
more of his body,
his taste,
his love,
i want all of him,
all of him,
i am ready,
i want this,
i need this.
Apr 2016 · 136
summer Apr 2016
so, i trust to easily;
story of my life.

and because of that,
people go and break me.

but i'm not fragile,
i'm quite the opposite.

i have built my walls,
higher than you think.

and i don't love easily too,
but i wear my heart out on my sleeve.

because i care,
care was too much about others.

more than i care about myself,

but i have been in love,
with someone who loved me more than the moon.

i let him in,
he let me in.

for 9 months,
i was happy.

then it ended,
too bad.

that confirmed it for me,
make that wall thicker.

no one can break it.

and that made me stand out a bit,
because i was strong.

i am smart,
but not a genius.

and i know what i am doing most of this,
so don't wast my time.

then i met another guy,
almost a year after the other guy.

my first love,
done and gone in 9 months.

and i am still recovering,
i still love him, i'll give ya that.

the new guy.

i guess i can't say it's love just yet.

how can it be?
only 1 month.

and then there is a problem with a friend of mine,
he likes me too.

something about me,
how can someone love me, like me, when i don't love myself.

i don't get it.

i see myself as someone who is willing to help others,
care for them.

and i don't see what they see,
pretty, skinny, beautiful.

i see someone who can be a *****,
someone who is ugly, fat and gross.

but oh well,
**** happens.

i am 16.

and i am tall,
which i hate.

i have strawberry blonde hair,
that i wish to dye.

and my eyes are the colour of a forrest,
a dying forrest.

my skin in pimply most of the time,
and i wear make up.

i dress to fit in,
not for comfort.

the pain i put myself through,
just to make people think i am happy.
i am just me.

and i think,
that i am not good enough.

for anyone,
no one.

if i am not happy with myself,
I can i expect someone else to be.

i asked him if i was ugly,
he nodded and almost laughed.

he said.

definitely not,

definitely not,
echo's through my head.
Apr 2016 · 542
The What If's:
summer Apr 2016
What if i loved you more.
2. What if i didn't fight back.
3.What if i said i was sorry all the time for the small things.
4. What if i huge you more.
5. What if i gave you what you wanted.
6. What if i wants you more.
7. What if i didn't yell.
8. What if i....
9. What if you treated me right.
10. What if you came home when you said you would.
11. What if you trusted me.
12. What if you wanted to touch me.
13. What if you needed me.
14. What if you didn't lie.
15. What if you loved you.
16. What if you didn't love her.
17. What if you never left early.
18. What if you...
Apr 2016 · 190
He Knows
summer Apr 2016





Apr 2016 · 125
summer Apr 2016
in the








Apr 2016 · 370
I am Sorry.
summer Apr 2016
i gotta do this,
but i don't know how to.
it's all new,
but really it's just the same sh*t.
i'm gonna start,
i have to do this.

I am sorry,
for everything.

I could have done you better,
could have been better to you.

Gave you everything you needed,
said i love you a little more.

I am sorry,
for not being there most of the time.

For trying to fight my battles,
while fighting with you.

The darkness,
you never believed me.

Never tried to support me,
just shrugged and said 'oh well, **** happens.'

My attacks became more frequent,
and you didn't care.

You always yelled at me for not calling you back,
for not texting you good night.

Most of the time i didn't reply,
was because i was scared.

and emotional.

My body began to shake,
my mind over-*******-thinking it.

You never cared about me that way,
never asked me if i was 'okay'.

I am sorry,
i had my own things going on.

I am sorry i didn't tell you,
but how could i?

it doesn't matter anymore.

You left out of anger,
you left me alone.

And i guess i had to let you go,
i needed to.

But in the end,
i am sorry for not giving you enough.

I am sorry,
i didn't call back.

I am sorry,
i loved- love you.
Apr 2016 · 594
Acoustic Heart Beat
summer Apr 2016
my skin still burns from where you touched me,
my smile has only started to fade,
my lips still remember last night,
my hands run through my hair,
my body aches with a craving for you body against mine again,
my brain only thinking about you,
my heart beating harder and faster after thinking back to last night.

i can only hear my heart beat in my ears,
my mind switches back to last night,
your hard breathing,
against my chest,
my breathes coming out hard and fast,
you body,
pressing up against mine,
mixing sweat,
and emotions with hunger,
my hands running up and down your back,
your hands in my hair,
my lips moving in sync with yours,
my heart beat beating in time with yours,
the words you whispered to me,
the promises,
the sweet nothings,
all so fresh in my mind.

my skin still burns from where you touched me,
my smile has only started to fade,
my lips still remember last night,
my hands run through my hair,
my body aches with a craving for you body against mine again,
my brain only thinking about you,
my heart beating harder and faster thinking of your body on top of mine.
Apr 2016 · 445
Falling Apart
summer Apr 2016
you left me,
i get it,
i wasn't good enough,
for you.

my demons,
got the best of me,
i am sorry,
i cried all the time.

but i loved you,
with all my heart,
more than i could tell you,
more than i could give you.

and because of that,
i am falling apart,
without your arms around me.

to keep me safe from it,
the darkness,
the sadness,
i am sorry.

you left me,
and i never meant for it happen,
i loved you soo much,
i still love you.

but i am fading,
i have no energy left,
to fight this battle,
and to be happy with my life.
i am sorry.
Apr 2016 · 237
summer Apr 2016
Just another helpless,
desperate girl,
wanting your attention.

She says what she needs,
to get to you,
to make you care.

That's what you think,
because she smiles a lot,
because she laughs and seems to be happy.

You think she is faking it,
that she is using you to get somewhere,
that she doesn't actually care about what you two talk about.

Just another helpless,
desperate girl,
wanting your attention.

a girl,

But desperate,
for you,

for help,
but no helpless.

She just need someone to listen,
someone who cares about her,
someone who can understand her demons.

She is cold,
on the inside,
every night.

She barely sleeps,
because she is scared.

But to you,
it's all an act,
to use you.

You don't really want to be her friend,
because you think of the worst,
when really all she needs is a friend.

She worries every night,
if befriending you was a bad idea,
but she knows that in the end she can trust you.

But to you,
it's all fake,
she doesn't have any demons.

How can she,
she is happy,
always laughing

Wear nice,
bright clothes,
and always having a good time.

But for her,
it's all an act,
to hide how she really feels and to hide what's going on in the inside.

But all you thinks she is,
in the end,

Just another helpless,
desperate girl,
wanting your attention.

All i needed was someone to listen, to care.
But you were to caught up in the over-thinking part to actually care.
To care that i needed you.
Anyway, if you really care, my demons are worse then ever.
And all i want is you to be there, just to be there is enough for me.

Apr 2016 · 231
His Body
summer Apr 2016
his body,
pressed up against mine,
the warmth and sweat,
as our bodies intertwine.

his lips,
soft and sweet,
from neck to mouth,
to feel my pulse beat.

his hands,
their curious to know,
making their way,
along my body ever so slow.

his eyes,
are hungry as ever,
watch me and want me,
it's now or never.

his words,
float in the heated air,
i don't give off much stress,
but i really do care.

his memories,
will fade away for a while,
so it's just his body and my body,
and my thought of his smile.
Apr 2016 · 290
summer Apr 2016
woke up to the sound of my heart beating,
a dream involving me and you in a game of cheating.

my eyes adjust to the darkness surrounding me,
my body caged and the craving to be free.

i turn over and check my phone,
no messages from you and i now I'm alone.

the bed beneath me slowly fading,
my brain thinking and my heart waiting.

i go through everything i said to you earlier the day before,
i remember the your smell and it makes me want more.

my tired brain is over-worked from over-thinking,
my eyes seeing shapes in the darkness so i keep blinking.

woke up to the sound of my heart beating,
a dream involving me and you in a game of cheating.
Apr 2016 · 259
The Lie in Believe.
summer Apr 2016
I knew it,
All along,
That you never truly loved me,
For me.

You only ever used me,
For want you wanted,
The chucked me away,
And abused me.

You wanted me,
Once maybe,
For me,
My personality.

You wanted me,
To use me,
**** me,
And abuse me.

That’s all I am to you,
All old ***** rag,
Used when needed,
Then chucked away in a dark corner.

And I believed you,
Your words,
Your whispers,
When you said you loved me.

Just another pawn in your game,
Another ******* your list,
I will always be,
Just another girl to you.

I knew it,
The whole time,
That you never truly loved me,
And I loved you anyway.
Apr 2016 · 232
Insanity Mixed With Pain.
summer Apr 2016
She just wants to be happy,
Is that too much to ask for?
A little sliver of happiness,
In her world of pain.
Is her friend with no name.

She just wants the pain to end,
Just for once.
Remembers when she was little,
How naïve she was.
How pure,
And innocent just because.

She needs this,
The only thing she has ever asked for.
She needs this,
Before she hits the wall.
Before her road ends,
Before her parents get the call.

She just wants to be happy,
For a short time.
To take her mind away from reality,
To think about something other than the pain
She just wants to be happy,
And not to feel insane.
Apr 2016 · 101
summer Apr 2016











Apr 2016 · 189
summer Apr 2016














Apr 2016 · 299
Shattered Hearts
summer Apr 2016
i watched you,
walk away,
from everything
you had.

her love,
her trust,
her warmth,
her loyalty.

i watched her face,
the different emotions,
from the words you are saying to her,

she did nothing,
to deserve this,
she truely loved you,
with everything.

you wanted you,
she needed you.

i watched,
walk away,
from her life,
because of a lie.

you deny it,
deny it to yourself,
she is the only one broken hearted,
she is the only one who cared.

that's why,
you had to walk away,
because lie.

you loved her,
more than anything,
more than words could explain,
more than you could ever tell her.

so you walked away,
away from her,
because you could never admit to yourself,
you loved her.

you left her,
broke her,
broke promises,
and shattered two hearts for the price of one.

her heart,
will heal,
she will love again slowly.

your heart,
will never heal,
will always want her and won't let go,
let go of her.
Apr 2016 · 308
Desire! (Explicit)
summer Apr 2016
I have seen the way you have been looking at me,
with desire and craze.

The way you have stood way too close for comfort,
your keep looking at me, quit it.

I noticed when we first met,
how you kept looking at me differently.

I know you like me,
it is soo ******* obvious.

I know you like me,
but i don't like you.

You know who i like,
and you use him against me.

Tell me a ******* lie,
please do, just to waste my ******* time.

Tell me a ******* lie,
and manipulate me to believe you.

Tell me a ******* lie,
about him.

Make him the bad guy,
make him say i'm the ****.

That i am the desperate one,
not you, the dead-beat one.

Tell me a ******* lie,
and expect me to be happy when i find out the truth.

You lied to me,
to get closer to me.

Lucky, i didn't trust you,
i'm not that ******* easy.

"He called you a ****,"
***** please.

You swore on your life you weren't lying,
well guess you just dead to me now.

Because you swore,
you swore on your ******* life.

Hope you have a nice life,
filled with lies and regrets.

Because you don't deserve me,
and i don't deserve to be treated this way.

your ******* dead to me.
******* and your ******* nonsense.
i am over it.
over your lies,
over all of it.
I am over you!
Apr 2016 · 368
summer Apr 2016
we stand there,
in the night,
underneath the street light.

the sky is soo dark,
small dots of light shine a little,
your arms are around my waist.

i look up at you,
a smile across my face,
your eyes bluer than ever.

you're laughing,
at something someone said,
i whispered i love you to you.

but it doesn't matter now,
none of it does,
it's all gone.

we were frozen in time,
we stand still,
happy and in-love.

in the photograph,
i thought there was love,
but all there is are lies.
for the boy who broke me in two,
i am in pieces because of your lies.
Apr 2016 · 634
I'm Not Enough
summer Apr 2016
i am not pretty enough,
i am not skinnier enough,
i am not nice enough,
i am not fake enough,
i am not happy enough,
i am not enough,
Thanks Society :(
Apr 2016 · 232
summer Apr 2016
Without him, i am DEAD.
He makes me feel ALIVE.
Makes my life brighter and more VIVID.
It was never my INTENTION.
But is drug is DEADLY.

If i tell him the TRUTH.
Will he RUNAWAY?
Will he leave me for HER.
Our friendship will be RUINED.
If i tell him the TRUTH.
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