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 Dec 2015 stephanie
Carl Sandburg
Your white shoulders
     I remember
And your shrug of laughter.

     Low laughter
     Shaken slow
From your white shoulders.
 Oct 2015 stephanie
The moon sung a song
In the form of stars
Stretching across the sky
So vast and far
In a voice so thin
Particles of space debris
Flew through the hoops
Of Saturn's rings
Light was the sound
Like a comet's tail
Pretty and white
As a wedding veil
The moon sang a song
Every night
And showered the land
In musical light
 Oct 2015 stephanie
7:42 PM.
 Oct 2015 stephanie
'but suddenly, you're 30 and blasting the songs that you wanted to die to when you were 15.'
Until then...
 Apr 2015 stephanie
Icarus Kirk
you cannot help but hate your body
the gangly limbs
the stomach that sticks out entirely too far
the freckles that dot your face
you ******* hate yourself
every mirror you look at is a reminder of what a total piece of **** you are
so when you start to float, it's a relief

the feeling of not being you is something entirely new
the arms that are not your arms
legs that are not your legs
eyes that you can't see through

and better
you aren't a ******* girl anymore
this is always the worst part
you can ******* deal with everything else
you can
but not that

because you are not female
and you know this
except you are

the binders lying on the floor are telling you that you aren't actually
they love that word
shout it in the hallways and whisper in hushed conversations that they know you can hear


the sensation of being ripped out of your own skin
and then
you aren't you
so you're happy

you can't not be happy when you look like how you actually ******* feel

the sensation of being ripped out of your own skin, then
isn't bad
because it's not your skin anymore
it's that freaks' skin
you're not a freak

 Apr 2015 stephanie

A butterfly upon a lily
An orange sherbet dream
Flowering the sunlight
Within an angel’s wing

Softly flowing fragrance
Sweet upon the breeze
On this April morning
*Sent for you and me
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