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Because of you,
I push everyone away from me never let anyone get too close to me.
Lying awake every night scare to go to
Sleep I don't want to relive nightmares.
My anxiety  ripped away the happy person I once was.
Forgive you because I want to move on with my life.
I will let karma do her job
I wrote this because today I had to face my mental abuser so that I could move on with
My life
I knew that he would be a trouble that
Would break my heart.
Taking me to dark places in me that I
Didn't know exist.

I knew that one taste of his venomous lips would be something I'd regret.
But it never stopped me longing for just one taste of a poison kiss.

I knew the longer I stare into his eyes the more lost I would become.
He was a broken beauty that drew me
Into his wicked game.

Writing poem after poem in the hope he read them and say something.
Passing glances feeling angry at myself for allow him in.

I hate myself for loving him and tasting the forbidden fruit I should have just left well alone.
This is just some new poetry I am trying
Out would love some feed back
Yes I still crave his touch and I long to
Lay in warm safety of his arms.
I want him to pull me close and steal the breath from my lips.
He made me feel alive he unzipped my core, and touched the deepest part
Of soul so softly.
He made me feel what it was like
To be loved and to feel it.
#love #feel #softly #steal.
I can think of nothing else but writing
My poetry on every Inch of your
Body using my lips.
#body #writing #every
Embracing the darkness inside me
Letting it out not holding it back.
Smashing the masks they give me to wear tierd of the fake faces.
Who pretend they are perfect when its just a well told lie.
I stepped over to my dark side found
That I am both angel and demon.
We all have a light and darkness inside us.
I now embrace the darkness I was
Scared of for long.
#embrace #darkness #light #angel #demon
All round me are unreal fake selfish faces who hide behind masks.
Carrying knifes made from envy and
Nice to your face while sticking it into deep into your back.
Knifes should be used for cutting up food not for sticking in someone's back.
#kinfes #food #jealously
A stole a childhood a lost teenage
Youth a past I can't change.
You made me scared of everything
I felt angry and guilty for years.
I will not give you one more day of my
Life or space in my head.
Your words might still haunt me but
You never changed me.
Some day I will be free but I won't carry this hate anymore.
For a long time I carried a lot of hate around with me for year after my dad emotionally and physically abusing me.
I decided not to let him get have anymore of my time or the space in my head.
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