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lunarr Apr 2015
eyes are like constellations; unless you know what you are looking for and looking at, they are just eyes
lunarr Apr 2015
i live in a nothing realm. where i am temporarily frozen in a state of acceptance. yet not always approving or denying its
taking only what i see gets absorbed into the list of unimportant information that rarely gets put to use. never pondering if it will decay or stunt the growth of my
i stood blank and emotionless. numb to the world around me. i was nonexistent in that parcel of a moment. for i am incapable of anything and everything that is unavailable to me in the now. only struggling
it was once brought to my vacant attention to follow through with all of the insignificant. but evaluating the differences in what is and is not can be exhausting. not enabling me to demonstrate
i can rarely display the emotions of what is appropriate for that particular time. even if the mandatory rotation of the earth was to choose to delay its turns for just a glimpse moment so that i can at a
lunarr Apr 2015
one voice
no noise
why not
no choice

stand tall
still fall
pushed down
feels small

all hate
cant relate
where's love
only debate

needs care
you stare
help me
no fair

i cry
grey sky
you leave

— The End —