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drooping like my ears and eyes
for holding
living things pressed to me.

come here. i want you here.
where are you?
I'm running out of time,
i'm late, i'm late.
How will I ever,
fix this mess I created,
how much longer,
do I have
until my time is up.

I'm moving so slowly,
i'm scared, i'm scared.
How can I save,
one of my passions,
how can I make,
something beautiful
start again.

I'm falling endlessly,
no ground, no ground.
When will I land,
on solid earth,
will I ever,
land on the ground

Im running out of time,
I'm late, i'm scared.
Will people hate me,
for not being there,
will they stop,
being there for me,
because I was not able to
be there for them.

Am I late,
I must be,
i'm too late,
and i'm sorry.
This might be the last of me for awhile until my internet comes back, i'm using a hot spot now and i'm on limited time, and i'm sorry that I haven't been on a lot lately, I feel bad, and I feel like i'm missing a lot of the beautiful works that my friends have made. I promise though, when I get my internet back, you will all know. :)
My body feels beaten,
and bruised,
but yet my heart is light.
Does that make any sense
that physically,
i'm hurt,
but on the inside,
I feel alive.

My body can't take any more
but yet I keep moving.
My heart wants me to push forwards,
even though,
I can't take it.

My body has
but yet I get back up.
My soul wants me to achieve my goals,
it doesn't matter,
what the consequences are.

My body's weakness won't
effect me,
in any sort of way.
My head is telling me,
that pushing through the pain,
is worth it.
You Love me now
but what bout then
I was like those other men
brash and crude boyishly rude
toying with women like my food
I wasn't me not then not yet
so would you have loved me.. had we met
I bet
you wouldn't have couldn't have any sense you shouldn't have
best to know me now matured with age
the silver Tongue the gilt edged page
love me now forget my past
now that the dye of embers cast.
Still here.
Time is the same.

Still here,
Connected and yet barely
Holding on.
Still here
Even the air is the same
Moving consistently,
never backwards.

Still here,
This same
Fear resides

for all of us.
Written on August 13th, 2012 at 7:51pm in Tampa.
mad, bad and dangerous to grow,
fed and sativa both,
the two I want to smoke,
and hang high on that green rope.
Regret and I have slept,
and walked,
since the days she was teacher's pet.

Now, I wish my life hence,
resting my back,
on sharp finial fence.

As I sink on barbed fleur de lys,
waiting for my life to cease,
I behold my stars of Gemini,
and it is she and I.

My last vapor on the cold night lake,
dresses the stars, and I hear her say,
" Would you like to dance?"
and this time I say "yes",
as body slides down heart shaped lance.

I am heart to heart with lys,
and begin to cease,
but heart to heart with her,
in the night lake above,
grasping upward as I succumb.

She went to the dentist for her routine exam
When she heard him say, "Oops! I'm sorry ma'am!"
That got her to thinking, "What had he seen?"
She thought, "What on earth could 'Oops' really mean?"
She sat right there and didn't make a sound
But when he wasn't looking, she was looking around
"What did he know, was it life or death?"
So she finally asked him, as she took a deep breath
He said, "I'm sorry, Dear. I didn't mean to be rude,
But with the stubble on your chin, I thought you were a dude!"
Te necesito,
De cada suspiro;
Que me regreses
El aire,
De cada amanecer;
Que me regreses
Mi alma,
De cada encuentro;
Que me regreses
Mi corazón,
Pero a pesar
Que después;
De cada exhalo
De cada mañana
De cada despedida
Que te vas como quieta ladrona,
Que te robas todo mío,
Sin dejarme nada tuyo
Más que un leve perfume
De tu presencia,
La firma de tu calor
Como un roce
Con un calentón encendido,
Tus labios imprimidos
Sobre mí y las copas de champaña,
A pesar de todo eso
Sonrió todavía,
Porque se,
Que si te robas
Todo eso de mí,
Es porqué,
Volverás a mí,
A robarme otra vez....
APAD13 002 - © okpoet
I need you,
Every sigh;
To return
My breath,
Every sunrise;
To return
My soul,
Every run in;
To return
My heart,
But even though
That after;
Every exhale
Every morning
Every departure
That you leave like a stealthy thief,
That you rob everything of mine,
Without leaving me anything of yours;
But the subtle perfume
Of your presence,
The signature of your warmth
Like I had brushed
By a heater,
Your imprinted lips
On me and the glasses of champagne,
Even after all that
I smile yet,
Because I know,
That if you take
All this from me,
It's because,
You'll return to me,
To steal from me again...
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